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Ranpoo? Shanma? Anyway, here´s this month´s piece voted by you a new topic and a fun choice of characters. I really treated this as a Fusion, trying to combine all the main aspects of both characters. the hair was a tricky part so I did a variant for it. the longer hair is more akin to Shampoo but with Ranma´s Nekoron ova style to make it look different from being just like shampoo, while the other I went with a big braid, did two cause shampoo has 2 buns on her hair and one big braid with one bun would look kinda off (also would be mostly covered by her back) 

As for the color palette... it was also kinda hard to really choose so I went with the middle-of-the-road approach for every color (or a mix of both predominant colors). but added hair color variants for each piece going with Ranma´s red or Shampoo´s Purple.

I did the Background 100% myself and did outfit variants (plus a 3rd apron-wearing one) representing the most iconic looks of each character (although Ranma's are mostly the same and combined with shampoos it gets kinda lost) the OG amazon shampoo and her casual/ delivery girl outfit.

in total, there are 12 pieces for you! I put them all in 1 zip for convenience and you can get it from attachments.
