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July has come to an end. it was a pretty busy month, having to deal with the fall out of 3 late canceled commissions (and I´m still picking up the pieces). 

August will still be a pretty busy month as well, having to do the compilatory post for both Irregular Huntress X and Onna Yushaa Robot Shiranyer G.

plus a lot of cover work, a thank you piece to another person that gifted me with core D.A. and the 6 comic pages I´ve been doing for 2 months now. with several of them reaching the good part already. For this month's closing pic, I tried to scratch an itch I had and draw CyberSix which has some TG Element related to it (Her alter ego is a Male college teacher). You can get the full-size piece below.

anyway, I hope you stay this last busy month and get to enjoy how all these comics continue and what other surprises I might still try to pull out of my but.

So once again Thank you to all my regular supporters and also thank you so much to all newcomers, I hope you stick around for all the good stuff coming.



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