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Feel free to express your thoughts regarding CAPTAIN MARVEL: ACCUSED in the comments below.




I really really liked this one. It was well drawn and a fun short story. It was also great seeing Captain Marvel not acting like a dyke. Dick does the body good.

Just another Monday

In my opinion, the best orgy piece Tracy's written. The dialogue for Ronan was spot on, and the characters didn't feel overwhelming. Plus that "breeding vessel" comment was a nice touch, and Carol's writing feels much more like her than in the space parts of the film. You should write more of her, really good interpretation. 9/10


Was a bit weiird/but also a nice change to not to see Spidey in a sexual situation, but it does make a nice prequel for the next chapter.


I was actually super stoked to read this because I am a huge fan of Ronan the Accuser, but in the end I only found it to be ok. I guess I should have expected it since Ronan didn't have such a big role in the MCU, but being alluded to in the title I thought there would be way more involvement from him. He was basically a background character here and the active participants were nameless mooks... a strange and unexpected choice. Also I would like to add that I can't believe the iconic cosmi-rod/universal weapon played such a small role in a book with "accused" right in the title.

Spooney Bard

MCU Carol month is on, with Accused up first. In theory I'd love both these releases but both were a bit dry to me. Much of this has to do with the source in both cases. Here Danvers is nailed by various Kree loyalists but most were desperately underwritten, the Guardians characters barely worked in their first movie and had nothing to do in Captain Marvel. Minn-Erva puts in work here although there seems to be two blue women and I can't be 100% when each actually appeared. Instead of an escalation it dries up, Ronan was much meeker than Korath and both had to follow gangbangs. Pace was a issue as Carol was captured off-panel, this in media res setup robs the action of context. The wallbang doesn't work for me, we could've just gone straight to Ronan and maybe got some stripping and her first reaction. I really liked the action though, something these comics don't have time for normally. Naked Carol burns shit up and rocks (although how could Korath die in 2001?) even if mounting Ronan in that instance was weird. The pacing sprung up here again, with three pages of eight post escape otherwise having no sex. But worst of all the Thanos tease, he would be ultra perfect in such a scenario and he never puts a second of work in either book.


How can I get it? I pledged 10 bucks


I just pledged 5 dollars and I didn’t get a selection form so I can pick this comic.


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