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思い返せば、2年間も「おねダリ」セッ〇スダンスを作り続けていますが、それでも飽きることなく応援してくれていることは本当にうれしい限りですw 多分、これからも続けると思います。。。(苦笑)

去年にはF-ERO XXXという新しいシリーズを作ることが出来ました。また、潮吹きオープニングなど新しい挑戦も出来ました。ただ、出来ることが増えて表現に力を入れることで2年前とは比べ物にならないほどの作業工程が増えて、今までとは同じペースで作品を作り続けることが出来ない事態になり、それでも無理して作品を作ることで体調を壊すこともありました(汗)




How time flies. We will celebrate the 2nd anniversary on the 24th of this month.

Last year, there was the worst event in human history that the coronavirus was outbreak worldwide.  The virus is still mutated and widespread, killing many people.

We pray for the happiness of those who have died from this new coronavirus infection.
In addition, we pray for those who are still being treated to recover as quickly as possible, and we hope that the infectious diseases will converge.

For now, thank God for making works in good health.

Also, thanks to everyone's support, I am grateful that I was able to renew my computer last year and work in a wonderful environment.

In retrospect, I've been making "Onegai Darling" sex dance for two years, but I'm really happy that you're still supporting me without getting tired of it. I think I'll continue to do so. XD

Last year I was able to create a new series called ”F-ERO XXX”. Also, I was able to take on new challenges such as the opening of squirting. However, the number of things I can express has increased, and the number of work processes has increased beyond comparison with two years ago, making it impossible to continue making works at the same pace as before. Still, I forcibly continued to make works and be in bad shape.

Even at that time, I was very happy to hear your thoughtful comments. I don't know how long I can continue, but I would like to do my best to produce the work.

As a 2nd anniversary video, we are planning "Sex Club" by Atago & Takao.

The work expresses the atmosphere of an orgy sex show at a secret club by changing the stage etc. from the place that was uploaded before. I adopted the expression of thrusting a dildo into anal.

We plan to add more sex motions. It will take some time, but I would like to make it a work suitable for a commemorative video, so please look forward to it. 

It will take some time to complete, but I want to make it a good work, so please look forward to it. We appreciate your understanding and support.

MMD Craft-K






いつもコメントありがとうございます^^ そう言ってもらえて本当にうれしい限りです。 集大成ですが、徐々に外枠が埋まりつつあるので、あとは中身を充実させていきますね!




ありがとうございます^^ まだもう少しがんばりたいと思います。