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First to apologize for not updating much this month :^(, Lily chapter 3 just finally started, but then received the news that my visa for Japan had been approved, then I've been very busy both mentally and physically...

Although I'm really happy that my visa was approved, I've actually been struggling with the whole "do I want to go to Japan or not" thing for a while now. Some might say "why would you apply if you don't want to go?" However, I applied a year ago, it's been too long since then, there's been some changes in my mind, also I moved without waiting for the results due to my impatience, so I'm having a bit of a hard time with the second time of moving in a short period of time. (deposit + moving expenses).

Nevertheless, after a long mental struggle, I finally decided to go to Japan. It's a rare opportunity, and it would be a shame not to take it. Although there are a lot of problems to overcome, but it all can be overcome. Living in Japan has been a dream of mine since I was a child, and it would be foolish not to go through with it just because it's too much trouble or because I'm afraid of getting out of my comfort zone.

Once I decided to go to Japan, there are tons of things to do - renting an apartment, getting visa, taxes, cell phone, bank account, researching how to take my computer on the plane (a real pain in the ass), and all of this had to be done within a month. Renting an apartment was probably the hardest part. 90% of the properties in Japan are not rented to foreigners, even it's okay for foreigners still can't sure to get application approved.

For the next 1~2 months until I settle down in Japan, I'll probably have to suspend or slow down the updates, I'm really sorry to all of you who are looking forward to the comic 🙇 . But the wait might be worth it - let's see how Pisanto level up after he been to the birthplace of H-manga, absorbed the power of Hentai :^P!



Yeah, don't like Japan censorship laws, but they allow for things other countries don't as far as content. Having to move from my home country for cost of living reasons, Japan was a dream, but cost of living was more important to me. Hopefully, more collabs and work will be there for you as an artist and game dev. Life is short, live the dream!

