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Since the first chapter take time longer than expected, a bit late to do the King's meeting really sorry 🙏

Thank all the Kings for the votes~ ~! Let's see the results!

"[100%]特別的玩法,你希望看見哪一個出現?/Special play, which one do you like to see?"

這個項目產生了兩個第一名!"One bar prison"和"異種姦(哥布林等怪物)"同時以8票獲得最高票。


This item generated two 1st! "One bar prison" and "Monster fuck(Goblin etc)" received the highest number of votes with 8 votes at the same time.

Well, we had no choice but to do both :^P!

"[100%]常見的癖好,你希望哪一個加強描寫?/Common fetish, which one do you like to enhance?"

"多P插入(雙穴、三穴)" 以11票遙遙領先其他選項,果然人越多越刺激,沒問題~讓派對開始吧:^P!

"3P, 4P"  with 11 votes ahead of the other options, indeed the more people the more exciting, no problem ~ let the party begin :^P!

"[30%]女性角色H戲的分布,你希望怎麼分配?/The H scene on female character, which do you like to see more?"

"以賽菈(女主角)為主" 獲得了較高的票數,看來我們的小修女還是很受歡迎的:^)。

"Sera(heroine) most." received a high number of votes, seems our little sister is quite loved :^).


These are the results of this poll. Thanks again to all the kings for your votes, now let's look forward to the second chapter of "The Lily Praying For Light" and the next poll!