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Hear ye hear ye, the result of the battle of the century between "The Rose Sequel" and "HWH Return" is out!



Yes, "The Lily Praying For Light (Rose sequel)" won by one vote! For most people, it must be very difficult to choose, right? Although it is a pity that the HWH did not come back to life this time, but if there is time in the future, there may be a chance to appear again.

On the other side of the public version, the number of votes was even more overwhelming, about 60% of the votes were given to "The Lily Praying For Light"! It seems that people really want to see the sequel of The Rose ~ no problem, let's continue to adventure in the dark world of medieval fantasy :^P!



By the way, it's worth mentioning that there are kings who are dedicated to vote [4] it! As a non-H comic project, it is destined to be less people will be interested in tutorial, which is the reason I have been hesitate ...

However, knowing that there are still people who really want to see the tutorial gives me motivation again, I'll try to find some time to do it in the future, please look forward to it :^)~


"The Lily Praying For Light" is expected to be a longer serial (expected to be at least 10 chapter), will also be introduced to a complete world view, of course, a variety of H plays wont be missing :^). There are already a lot of good ideas, the next is expected to spend 4 ~ 7 days to create the character, and then we can start to work ~


So, let's look forward to it :^P!



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