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Game design issues

  • Keep list format. Add buttons for cumshot location 3
  • Revert to click on image for all interactions 2
  • Hybrid 8
  • I've got a WAY better idea! I'll message you. 1
  • 2023-03-04
  • —2023-03-19
  • 14 votes
{'title': 'Game design issues', 'choices': [{'text': 'Keep list format. Add buttons for cumshot location', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Revert to click on image for all interactions', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Hybrid', 'votes': 8}, {'text': "I've got a WAY better idea! I'll message you.", 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 19, 19, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 4, 19, 48, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 14}


First, thanks for the input on which woman to work on next. It'll still be a week or two before I start, so you can still vote if you want, but it looks like Penny is next. Personally, I wanted to work on Haley, mainly cuz I want to start adding in more items... but, maybe I can just add in fish and forage anyways...

Secondly, the purpose of this poll... I am not loving the interaction system for the women where you choose from a list. I set it up that way because it's more logical that it shows which choices are available by color. Originally, I left the option to click the body during sex to undress her more, but recently that was causing glitches so undressing during sex was removed in ver.0.15. You can still click her clothes outside of a sex act, but there is no mouse interaction with the woman during animations now. Also, there is no logical way to choose where the cumshot goes, unless I had a separate list choice for every location, which is ridiculous.

I enjoyed it more when I could click on the actual body part to interact. The problem with clicking the body, is how to choose between removing clothes, re-dressing, starting sex, or cumshot... and how to connect heart-level to actions allowed... One solution is have an toggle on the side which switches through each option, and a red border if the act is not available, but before I do all that work, I wonder what players actually prefer.  Some ideas I have are below.

1: Keep the current list of sex-options, that are color-coded to show what you can do. Must undress using list choices. Cannot undress during animations. During sex some buttons would appear on the side showing possible cumshot locations and you click to choose location.

2: Revert back to the click-on-body style to initiate undressing or sex. Use a toggle button to switch between Undress/Re-dress/Sex/Cum (similar to the Undress game). Have red border on mouse-icon image if attemped action is not available.

3: Hybrid: Keep List for all interactions, but re-allow clicking on the body during animations to undress or redress. Cumshot location will be mouse-position when time to cum.

The above are just possible solutions, but you may have other ideas. Message me if you want! (Also, keep in mind that in future updates there will be items or options to extend sex time or keep it looping. I just haven't coded that stuff in yet)


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