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I might regret this poll...

  • Continue with Abigail 19
  • Finish the basic art for Haley 1
  • Get the collectibles and other areas working 1
  • 2023-01-07
  • 21 votes
{'title': 'I might regret this poll...', 'choices': [{'text': 'Continue with Abigail', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'Finish the basic art for Haley', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Get the collectibles and other areas working', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 7, 21, 9, 46, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 21}


I have a few possible directions to go in developing the ValleyDew Star game, so thought I'd get your ideas. However, since last time (Timmy on Harlot's Path) it kinda deflated my energy... I might not do what the majority wants! But, I'm still curious to know...

Also, a minor note. I changed the version # to represent the number of weeks along the game is. So, the first testing file is now ver.0.06 and the next release (on Feb 5?) will be ver.0.11. This just lets me know at a glance how long I've worked on the game and how far I should be in development. I want to release at around ver.0.50, so this helps keep me on track.

There are 2 mechanics working now. Hearts and Mood. Hearts increase from gifts and unlock all actions. So far, the only gifts are minerals in the cave, but eventually each woman will need gifts from all areas on the map (minerals, fish, forage, crafts, other) Mood is affected by what you choose to say or do. Mood determines her responses, and if low, bad mood blocks sex-acts. This is shown by "ice" forming on the heart-bar. If you keep annoying her, up to 4 layers of Ice will appear. Mood restores to neutral over time. 

I also have the basic expressions working. Neutral, Smile, Frown, Horny, Orgasm.

I've started on dialogue for Abigail. (I've finished up to what you see in the image) She has 10 replies for each choice, ranging from Hatred~Love. I've changed the undressing-by-clicking into undressing-in-response to your comments. For example, if you choose "Flash your headlights", there are 3 outcomes based on mood. Good: Abigail will slide her shirt up to show her breasts (in 4 frames) and make a sexy comment. Neutral: She makes a normal comment. Bad: She frowns, fully redresses (in case you had undressed her some other way), and you gain 1 level of ice on her heart-bar, blocking any further sex acts until you do something nice or wait one day. Here's a modified image (I removed the choices blocking her face) showing the frown and ice effect if you choose an option above your heart level:

For design, the 3 paths I can develop are: 

Continue with Abigail. By the month-end update I should have finished many of her dialogs, undressing actions, and hopefully have some basic sex acts working like  grabbing her butt/breasts, maybe a handjob? Note: gifts would still only be minerals in ver.0.11.

Finish the basic art for Haley. Similar to Abigail in the ver.0.06 update. This means a few clothing-undress positions based on gifts and can see her naked, likely collect fish from the river as gifts, but no dialogs. Note: Abigail would not progress past basic dialogs in ver.0.11.

Get the collectibles and other areas working. Similar idea as the Cave, the River would have fishing, the Forest would have foraging, and I'd likely add in the Farm giving crops, Saloon selling food, the Library giving books that the women would like, and add an actual store for selling unwanted collectibles. Note: Abigail would not progress past basic dialogs but would accept all five types of gifts in ver.0.11.

Note that anyone can vote, but the month-end testing-version is still Patrons-Only. Also note that although I am curious what people think, I might not follow the results of the poll...


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