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First, I thought it was funny that Nanon's stuff at the store cost 666 (the sign of the devil) 🙂. Second, to me it sounded like Dome's voice as the florist. I just don't understand why he didn't turn around to look at him and just walked out of the shop. I liked all the episodes even though some were not really necessary to move the overall plot along. But they played into the explanation of things being put in front of people and the choices that are made. One thing I didn't quite understand was where the harmonica came from after the piano key was shot. And I have questions about Katha's immortality because the voice (God) told him that he made Katha the same as himself. Where did the green energy he used to protect himself come from.


Also there are still episodes 11-15 that haven't aired that they can use for season 2