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This show should have an age restriction on it. It is touching on some heavy subjects all revolving around rape, sexual harassment and physical abuse. The message of a rape victim having a Bed Buddy and using sex as a copy mechanism is just stupid and having the mother pimp out her son to another sexual predator, enough already. Having Eua finally say something about the abuse from his step-father was a good move. Write the mother out of the remaining episodes...she is no longer relevant. The friendship bw/ the three main characters is awesome and Jade is the friend we all want.

Yemi 語学者 (BLJapanTaiwan)

No spoilers but, I finally read the book and I am more and more convinced that Thai BL producers are making shows on the assumption that you have read the book. Whereas for Japan, Taiwan and China, if you read the book it will add an extra layer, but the shows stand alone just fine. Remember how confused we were that King's mother called Jade and people had to tell us that Jade and King were childhood friends? The producers never bothered to show that because if you read the book, you would know... Pretty sure Krit can not really get fired and work somewhere else. Remember that he is part of the CEO's family. So it is unlikely that he can get fired to start with. On top of that, if he gets fired and he has the last name of the company, other companies would be like, "Aren't you part of that family? Why aren't you working there?" So I feel like getting hired by another company would be even less probable. I feel like King was necessary for Uea, because Uea had settled into a space of "only bad things happen to me". So finally here was this one thing that was not horrible enough to make a whole documentary series. But I agree that he did need to learn to fight for himself. And I do not know if he got the strength from his healthy relationship with Jade and his reasonably healthy relationship with King, or if he just snapped, but it was good to finally see him go off on his mom. She is definitely my most disliked character in all of BL. No small feat.

Kuran Yuki

So you give in 🤭😉 Personally, I think I like King better in the book rather than in the series maybe because I feel that we could see more of his point of view... In the book, I like the passing of things, in the series I sometimes feel that things are a bit rushed, might be because they only have 10 episodes? Could also be because I feel that they choose to portray all the abuses and the trauma and less of the development of KingUea relationship (maybe because many happen in their condo's or in bed and they didn't want the series to be only NC scenes) but even small things like King and Uea always getting dinner together before heading home...🤔 Well, still like the series through, I think James did a amazing job portraying Uea! Sorry just wanted to share my thoughts of the story 😆