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Hi! Sorry for being absent for so long. I could not recover for a long time after a serious surgical operation and it was difficult for me to move independently. I spent a lot of time in the hospital as I had complications. It was a very difficult time for me.

It's only now that I'm starting to feel a little better. I still have problems with fine motor skills of my hands, but I can already get up and walk on my own, and finally I was able to return home. I am very happy about it. I hope to be able to gradually get back to working with my favorite characters.

I did not expect to see that so many viewers continued to support me all this time. Even when I could not create and publish new works, you continued to believe in me and support me. I am eternally grateful to you. I will always remember your kindness and your support.





Glad to hear you're feeling better!

Lindsay Smith

Looking after your own health is the most important thing. You bring a little bit of happiness to so many of us. We feel a small connection with you by our support and enjoying your work. Glad you are slow, slowly improving.


Thank you very much for your support! Your kind words warm my heart and make my day. I always wanted my work to give people joy and awaken the imagination. I am very happy when I succeed. : )