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This past week was pretty jam packed between finishing up the Baldur's Gate 3 scenes, which we're just waiting on voice for. After rendering four different sessions for said project, I moved on to this gem.

This beast, from our VRAR program, took me 4 days to render, which is just insane. That's almost as long as it took me to render the 4 sessions for the Baldur's Gate scene. That's not indicative of quality. Some sessions just take longer, of course.

Next up was a scene by Kaeg that I only managed to get running yesterday.

Where as the Nyotengu scene was 4 days, this was a simple overnight one, and a huge relief after waiting for the first to finish. I'm assuming you're all fans of Morrigan, just like myself.

On to this week's upcoming releases, we're starting with a commissioned conversion of one of Lazy Procrastinator's works:

Sure to be a crowd pleaser.

Our other animation was another commissioned conversion, ALSO by LP.


Jihl is always welcome at the table.

In other news, our next Premium project that we've been working on is ready to be finished. We have sound and voice, the animation work is done... I just need to set the final sessions up for rendering. I usually keep these as secretive as possible, but I'll give you 4 words as a hint.

Busty, muscled, mommy, drow.

Lastly, for those of you who pay attention to our non-VR videos, I've recently made a major discovery. The interpolation workflow I used for non-VR was flawed. I noticed this after doing a slow frame by frame of a non-VR video to fix a clipping problem I spotted. Not always, but sometimes the video would come out with repeated frames. This totally goes against what I had envisioned with interpolating non-VR scenes. I've scoured my workflow, looking for where the problem was, and now our non-VR videos will no longer have any duplicate frames. They'll be a perfect 144/60 fps. Not a big deal to some of you, but for me it was a massive win.

That's about it from me this week. Time to get back to the grind.


-Dark Zalivstok  



Morrigan fan for sure!


Hmmmm Drow you say. I can think of two main possibilities for character models. Both are amazing, though I do somewhat favor one a bit more.