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Apparently I'm back to form including badly estimating how long it takes to finish something.

I hoped to finish the video by sunday but it didn't happen, then I hoped to finish it by today and it also didn't.

I'll do everything in my power to finish it by Tuesday. Thanks for your patience.

I've snuck Amber in to make up for it.




Don't worry, creating a good animation takes time. Work at your own pace, without pressure. It's very nice to see your publication, even if it is not a specific animation, but only information about progress or delays. I would love to see posts like this more often, with interesting information such as additional actress Amber or an illustration of a scene. Thank you very much, I hope you enjoy your work.


I did finish a video for a friend earlier this year that suffered because I tried to speed through it, so I'm trying to take my time with this one. It's mostly done, so now I need to add the audio (I'm trying to add the audio from outside sources instead of KK audio this time around to see if it's improved, so it also takes longer), so hopefully it's done by friday


Hi, did this video come out?