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Loona scowled.

At her general vicinity, at the craggy, broken landscape, at the stars above. Loona scowled often and she did it well.

This scowl was especially harsh. She drew in a breath and shouted, “Celestia! Show yourself!”

A faint breeze rustled through the bushes that dotted the bare, foreboding wasteland.

Loona’s eyes glowed redder than usual. She snorted, black smoke rising from her nostrils. After her first bout in the tournament, the hellhound had reverted most of the way to her usual form, standing taller and thicker than most, but the city-crushing cock and her wilder mutations had receded. Still, she felt mean.

“You’re gonna make me wait the whole night? I didn’t take you for such a coward.”

A gentle laugh rang out from everywhere and nowhere, a ghostly giggle that tickled the back of Loona's neck and made the stars twinkle. Then those stars swirled and changed, resolving themselves into a face that took up the entire sky. Celestia’s face.

“There,” Loona snarled. “Was that so fucking hard?”

Celestia’s smirk spanned the horizon. “No need to rush, little Loona. I do not think you comprehend how much I have to compress myself to be small enough for you to perceive.”

Lonna squinted at the otherworldly pony princess. The perspective gave her a headache—not that she’d let Celestia know!—as her eyes tried to focus on something felt at once close and far away, enough to both feel cramped and yet left her with the impression that she was staring at something at the end of the universe.

“Big words,” Loona said. “Very impressive. Now come down here so I can kick your ass.”

Celestia winked at Loona, the motion of her eyelashes vaporizing galaxies into nothing more than glitter against her incomprehensible size. “If you insist.” She leaned in, crossing light years in an instant, and warped Loona’s perspective once more as she plucked the planet out of its orbit and held it up against her all-encompassing lips to give it a kiss, before the vision of her omni-macro greatness finally disappeared from the sky.  Celestia materialized on the cliffs, a mere 10 feet tall.

“There. Is that more suitable for you, my erstwhile opponent?”

Loona snarled. “Showoff.”

In that instant, Celestia’s ass and thighs thickened and widened—from curvy to ridiculous— and her breasts were all too happy to go along, bwoomphing so big and round and perfect that they obscured her torso entirely. Between her legs, her barrel-sized sheath gave a slight twitch, the movement propagating to the shoulder-height balls that rested behind her, proclaiming her golden sun cutie-mark to the world at large.

Celestia put a hand on her (still slowly expanding) hip and said, “I don’t know what you mean.”

Loona rolled her eyes. “Don’t even know why I bothered to get dressed…” She reached up to the low-cut collar of her tee and tore it off in a quick motion that saw her apparent handfuls of hellhound titty surge out into their true pumpkin-dwarfing sizes—and then kept on growing, intent on proving her point. She needed no such help to free her cock, which tore through her shredded shorts in less than an instant, her rising erection growing hard and angry.

Celestia smiled beatifically. “Neither do I. Looking for an opportunity to destroy something, perhaps?”

Loona chortled, “I’ve got the world for that.” Her cock shot forward like a hyper-sonic missile, growing at such a staggering rate that the ground vibrated under their feet: in the blink of an eye, Loona had five miles of cock between her legs, which she demonstrated by slamming the red, monstrous monolith onto the landscape below, which cracked and fissured under her weight. Behind her, her white-furred balls had become a backdrop all on their own, expanding so quickly that the mountains behind her might as well never have existed.

“Adorable. It’s almost like you think you can beat me.” Celestia’s grin had grown no less smug, not budging an inch even when the sonic boom of Loona’s incredible burst of cock growth rustled her hair. The pony royalty’s curves were still swelling, and her waist only grew thinner as her tits and thighs thickened towards the hyper hourglass ideal. Her sheath twitched again, fattening by a few inches.

“There’s more to this than just having a fat ass, buttercup.” Loona lifted her cock by a twist of her hips and swung it at Celestia, who countered by finally unsheathing her own and parrying with the 50-mile megacock now standing at attention between her legs.

“En garde!” Celestia said with a giggle.

Loona grinned with a mouth full of sharp, gleaming teeth. “Sure. Let’s try that again.” She shifted, her head lolling sideways as a shiver wracked her body; her gray fur grew denser, her limbs more muscular—and most importantly, her legs doubled and her hips thrust back as she became a taur, a beefy hellhound standing on four paws. As the cock between her second set of legs grew in, she thrust both of them at Celestia at once, the throbbing, red shafts flaring up with a fat set of knots at the base as they punched past Celestia’s size and continued up to 500 miles long.

Celestia raised an eyebrow in surprise, but it was nothing she could not handle by the application of more size, and Loona’s shafts slapped uselessly against her world-dominating 5,000 mile erection. Already, the planet started to tilt on its axis, pulled off balance by the sheer mass of the Princess’ ever-fattening nuts.

“A neat trick. For a brute,” Celestia allowed, shifting her stance; playtime was over and she stood tall and ready. Her body exuded power, the redolent scent of her overpoweringly erotic musk pouring off her as a swirling mist. “But that only works once.”

“Beg to differ,” Loona snarled, her fangs visibly growing more vicious as her body shook again; muscle and bone cracked and popped, her body mutating eagerly at her command. First her arms split, then her head—the two Loonas grinning ominously at Celestia—and then her taur-half multiplied. She grew complex, a branching multi-taur: From her first set of hips, two taur-segments flowed out into a second pair of legs. And then it happened again, elongating two new pairs of legs out of her second set, doubling her number of legs with each successive step backwards. And with these new legs came more cocks and more balls, bunching up in a chaotic jumble as she rutted them against herself and against the pony.

“By me,” Celestia gasped. “You’re enjoying that far too much!”

“Oh, pardon me, princess!” Loona said, her words leading into a howl as her heads split again and she reached eight sets of asses at the end of her taur-train, her legs only growing stronger and wider with each set. Even her shafts were mutating; little bumps and spikes shaping up along her length, their tips growing fat and flared. “Didn’t mean to leave you out!”

Again, Loona’s cocks swung at Celestia. Already, her mass eclipsed the planet, and her monstrous manhoods only grew bigger on impact, burying Celestia beneath two dozen megacocks.

That, evidently, was not what Celestia had expected. She gave a high-pitched gasp and held up her hands, letting her body flow forward to protect her. But all that work compressing herself to fit on the planet could not be undone so quickly, and despite her 50,000 mile cock, she still found a plethora of hellhound penises slipping around her guard to batter her.

Loona laughed, a raw, intense jeering from her now five mouths. “What’s that, Princess? Too much to swallow? Don’t worry, I get that all the time. You’ll just have to gag a little!” Her dozens of cocks became hundreds, thousands, a tide of throbbing, slimy penises all undulating around Celestia, covering her like a cocoon of celestial cocks. They rubbed at her breasts, her ass, the boldest few spreading her legs to get at her cunt.

Celestia squirmed between them, her chest tightening at the onslaught of writhing hellhound cocks. “How dare you—” she said, her words reverberating through the entire chaotic fleshscape around her. Her eyes burned bright. Her mane caught on fire. And Day broke.

It all happened in a flash. One moment, Celestia struggled for freedom in a roiling ball of cocks floating through the cosmos. Then she was the cosmos, her very presence warping the universe around her beyond titanic form. She was big, she was powerful, she was Daybreaker. Her mane was fire, her eyes liquid gold. And her cocks, well…

Twelve of Loona’s heads stared up and around her in awe and terror. “What the fuck was that?” she demanded, finding herself and her army of sun-crushing cocks lost utterly in a space grander than a hundred universes—and it was nothing more than a wrinkle on Daybreaker’s hefty ball sac. All around her, space shuddered with its forced expansion, screeching horribly as it tried to deal with the ascended pony’s mercilessly growing cocks, rendering reality asunder without a shred of effort.

“‘Was’ implies that I stopped, or indeed, ever will stop,” Daybreaker spoke, her bassy voice making Loona’s body tremble. “As if a body as grand as mine should ever deviate from its natural state of growing infinitely bigger.”

Loona winced. It was all too much to fight, much less comprehend. She shivered, her mutated body deflating in the harsh radiance of Daybreaker’s light. “Fuck, dude…”

“Happily,” Daybreaker said. She grinned, her wings spreading behind her, a magnificent display upon which entire realities hung, each with wildly different histories, laws, and rules of physics; except this: Daybreaker is the biggest.

“You wanted me to show myself?” Daybreaker asked, looking down on Loona. “Well… Here I am. Let’s get started.


Start of Match:


3.7 E35 m ≈ 415,000,000 universes

Score: 118.1


1.6 E06 m ≈ 1,000 miles

Score: 20.7

End of Match:


4.4 E46 m ≈ 50,000,000,000,000,000,000 universes

210 cocks

Score: 162.7

Wildcard: Daybreaker, Hyper Hourglass


8.0 E19 m ≈ 736,000,000 Solar Systems

200,000 cocks

Score: 84.0

Wildcard: Corruption, Taur Bodies, Multi


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