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Celestia and Renamon squared up, and the world rumbled.

Mara rubbed her hands, the tiny fairy hovering in the air with two cocks throbbing between her legs, ready to blow in anticipation of the action to come.“This is gonna be sofun.”

Her hyperfur contestants made a splash right off the bat. Celestia and Renamon gave little thought to covering up their ridiculous curves or the fat packages nestled between their legs. The pony princess’ head-dwarfing tits had a slight edge, while Renamon’s thick thighs took the prize at their initial meet. Both sported an enormously thick, flaccid cock that hung to their knees.

“Indeed.” Celestia said, her lip curling with amusement. “This should be a fine workout.”

Renamon raised an eyebrow. “If by workout, you mean ‘getting smothered beneath infinite cockflesh.” There was a crack of thunder in the distance.

“Maybe. I didn’t specify who will get that treatment, did I?” Celestia said with a toss of her multi-colored mane.

“Ooh.” Mara called. “Good one!” The fairy’s dual ballsacs gurgled, pre sputtering from her tips by the gallon.

Renamon turned to her. “Are you here to referee or to join in?”

“Just setting a mood!” Mara said, waving her hand dismissively as she closed her eyes and fondled her gurgling balls. “Mh, fuck, you’re gonna get so damn big. I can feel it. And so will I, once I get my kickbacks from the match.” She grinned, shamelessly squeezing her tits.

“Kickbacks. Cute.” Renamon raised an eyebrow. “That’s why you’ve got two dicks now?”

“Hey, someone has to count the matches. Might as well be me!”

“Who needs a reason?” Celestia asked and grinned at Renamon. “Why don’t you?” The pony grabbed her own fat length, which split obediently into two, the flash of magic leaving her twice as hung. Already, her twin equine lengths were growing, the white shafts reaching her shins…

Renamon barely deigned to notice. “I don’t need any tricks like that to beat you.”

“That’s not what it looks like from over here…” The princess laughed, crossing her arms over her big, swelling breasts. Inches flowed effortlessly between her legs, her dual cocks rising and adding more heft with every throb, going from leg-dwarfing to body-sized, a pair of fleshy spears thrust forward at the digimon. “Well? Are you going to let me dazzle our little fairy friend all on my own?”

“I was going to let you think you had a chance for a moment longer,” Renamon said, “but if you insist…” She seized her flaccid shaft, a glossy black contrasting the pony’s, and gave it a single stroke.

The resulting explosion of cock broke the sound barrier. Renamon’s shaft surgedforward, crashing into Celestia’s twin spires and turning them aside a fraction of a second before knocking into the pony herself.

“Oof!” Celestia cried. “Careful where you aim—”

But she had no time to complain. Renamon’s length had already broken triple digits and kept adding, kept growing, longer, thicker, bigger. Behind her, the digimon’s balls rose with alarming alacrity, a pair of fuzzy cliff walls swelling out big and taut, ready to drown the whole arena. Renamin smirked. “You were saying?”

Celestia stared at the digimon’s bulk with wide eyes, her witty repartee nowhere to be found. “Goodness me…” she muttered and squeezed her twin cocks. They grew, rising to 10 feet long, but even the pony-dwarfing shafts were hard-pressed to compete with Renamon, who had grown 10 feet every second that Celestia had spent collecting herself.

“That’s what I thought.” Renamon said. She throbbed, an event significant enough to shake the very earth, and kept stroking herself. Hundreds of feet of cock weren’t enough. She pushed on, doubling again and again; 500 feet swiftly fell behind her, 1000 feet was hardly worth a mention. Her cock barged through the landscape, its virile mass demolishing every tree, house, and hill in its path as it grew and grew and grew.

“Phew! A whole mile of cock!” Mara called out in a sing-song voice. “Smashing our previous contest by far!”

Renamon licked her lips. “Two miles.” She stroked her cock and it was so, the veiny monster filling the air with the sound of its creaking expansion, each pulse of blood making the ground vibrate and shake the surrounding forests apart. “So far.”

Celestia groaned. “Let’s not hand out any victory trophies yet.” Her cocks shone with magic, expanding to a length of 20 feet with a somewhat labored throb. One of them wedged against the underside of Renamon’s vast shaft, the dark slab of dickflesh rising like a sheer wall over the pony.

“Why? You want to see just how much of a speck I can make you?”

Despite her difficulties, sweat pouring down her forehead, Celestia’s lip curled in a smile. “Sure. Let’s say that.” She jacked off her huge, equine shafts, adding foot after foot to their bulging lengths. But more than that, her body charged with magical energy, her horn glowing as her white-furred limbs grew thicker, stronger, her tits erupting with milk as her curves grew. And as she changed, embodying hyper in all of its aspects, the growth of her cocks sped up. Renamon was not the only one capable of exponential growth—though Celestia had a lot of ground to make up.

Renamon laughed. “Oh, good. You still think you can win.” She shifted her hips, making her gargantuan cock crash onto Celestia, trapping the pony beneath its bulging bulk. “That’ll make it all the more delicious to teach you a lesson.”

Celestia moaned, caught between the euphoric sensations of expansion and the domineering frotting of Renamon’s monolith, its heat and scent threatening to overwhelm her. But this was not the princess’ first rodeo; she channeled it all between her legs, making her cocks grow by dozens, then hundreds of feet at a time, enough to make even Renamon take notice.

Unfortunately, that only meant Renamon putting on even more size. Where Celestia grew by feet, however many hundreds that might be, Renamon added miles at a time now, pushing them out with ominous ease. The digimon allowed herself a moan, cooing as her balls turned the area behind her into a pair of 5-mile wide craters. “Well,” she said, noticing the touch of Celestia’s ever larger tits against the underside of her shaft. “It’s not what we’re here for, but if you can let loose, then I might as well…” Renamon squeezed her breasts, sighing happily as the white-furred swells grew. More, the rest of her rose up, her whole body growing taller, thicker, downright amazonian. Though it could only ever be a touch of style next to the all-encompassing monster between her legs.

“Come on!” Celestia gasped. The powerful throb of her cocks, cresting a whole mile, momentarily lifted Renamon’s shaft, only to let the ever-fattening black bulk crash down again.

“Hm? Is there some gnat trying to get my attention?” She shifted, rolling Celestia helplessly around beneath her all-power shaft. “Why, if I didn’t know better I’d say that you’re struggling, princess.”

Celestia shivered, her whole body tense and working. She almost had it, almost freed herself… but not quite. She needed more. Her hands moved over the base of her cocks, searching, encouraging, until she found what she needed. More cock. A third shaft bloomed between her legs, expanding even faster than Renamon’s initial surge to catch up to its sisters. And as Celestia found herself all but paralyzed by the pleasure of her extra balls growing out, she realized that she had more cock than her two hands could take care of—so she grew another set.

“Ooh. You’re getting freaky, princess.” Renamon said, raising an eyebrow at the four-armed pony. “Very… inspiring.” She leaned forward, arms full of her growing tits, shimmying from side to side as her body bulked and grew, taller and taller. “Not a bad call, for getting so desperate. But maybe you shouldn’t turn me on. It might end badly for you.”

“S-shush.” Celestia murmured, plowing on ahead. A forth cock escaped her crotch, the immense quartet lifting Renamon’s mass again. 1 mile against 25; even with four shafts, it was anything but a fair fight.

Renamon grinned. “Your call.” She reached down and slapped the base of her cock.


The surge of digimon dick was unbearable. Miles and miles of dusky cockflesh poured from Renamon’s loins like an unstoppable flood, as if the haughty herm sported a doorway to the dick dimension between her legs. 50 miles. 60 miles. 70 miles.

“Do you give up?” Renamon asked, her cockhead bulldozing through entire cities, leaving nothing but lakes of precum and hot, throbbing flesh in her wake.


90 miles. 100 miles.

Renamon smirked. “You sure? I can do this all day.”

Celestia pushed with all her might, but Renamon’s godcock did not budge. It was all-consuming, all-present, all-growing. She could not struggle against it. But then… Did she really have to?

There was an ear-splitting crack as the tectonic plates buckled deep in the earth. Then, Renamon’s 120 mile pillar was thrown into the air, its incredible weight rendering the landscape unrecognizable as it slammed down once more.

“Huh!?” Renamon gasped. “What was that?”

The answer was obvious. Celestia filled the digimon’s vision with her four massive mareshafts, the cluster sprawling effortlessly across the continent. The pony giggled huskily, caressing her thousand mile erections as her squirts of precum threatened to drown the surrounding states. The air itself became a battleground where Celestia’s scent beat back Renamon, eager to dominate everythingwith excessive sexuality. “Not what you had planned?” she grinned. “Shame.”

Renamon gawked in shock. Then her resolve returned, spurred on by the pony’s taunt. “Look at you.” she said, growing her cock past 250 miles. “One moment on top and you think you’re in charge.”

“Oh, but I am.” Another throb, and Celestia’s cocks expanded a thousand miles further, dipping into the sea at both ends. On a whim, she decided to cum, gushing her thick, virile spunk into the oceans. Despite squirting enough to paint the sea white, her balls were only filling faster…

“Empty bluster,” Renamon growled. “Someone needs to put you in your place. And since nobody is around…” The digimon grew taller still, her gigantic curves swelling even thicker, the better to rub against her outrageous cock and her towering ballsac, which gurgled and grew, tearing up the landmass in her drive for supremacy. But as she did, so did Celestia, the pony’s pristine penises spreading across the hemisphere, their fattening bulk spreading the good news of her forthcoming victory for thousands of miles around.

The planet really had no chance. Both Renamon and Celestia urged each other on, moaning and throbbing with increasing urgency as their steamy cockflesh and heavy, bloated balls covered the entire surface of the Earth.

“Woah!” Mara gasped, flittering among the masses of cock. “You guys know that we’re in, like, tier one out of four, right? Maybe… chill out a little?” She licked her lips, watching their spires push into space. The fairy grinned. “Or maybe not.”

Renamon gushed a whole planet’s worth of cum all at once. “No fucking way! Bigger! Bigger!” She pushed herself, fighting Celestia’s accelerating cocks; despite her efforts, Renamon still sagged behind, her 20.000 mile erection outdone tenfold by the haughty pony. Then a hundredfold, reaching a million miles when Renamon was stuck at 100.000 miles—and Celestia was still gaining.

“This is delightful.” Celestia giggled, reclining on her enormity. “A quaint little show.” Ten million miles. A hundred million miles. The bigger she grew, the better she felt, filling the empty void of space with a deluge of marecum. “Where’d you go, little digimon? Don’t disappear on me all of a sudden. Even if it’s an easy place to get lost.”

A red glow emanated from Renamon’s eyes. Her form glitched, pushed too big, too fast. Or perhaps simply to the next level of her digi-volution. “S-shit…” she moaned, her thrust back as her loined overloaded—and split, finally, her fat, glossy cock becoming two. Three. Four…

“Look at you.” Celestia said, raising an eyebrow. She turned her sun-dwarfing dicks around, trapping Renamon between them. But for the first time since Celestia’s big breakout, Renamon pushed back. And so it was that the speck between Celestia’s 2,000,000,000 mile cocks sputtered from a mere 4 milllion to ten times that, a hundred times, a thousand times and more.

In the distance, Mara floated along with a clipboard in her hands, checking off another line as the whole of the solar system rumbled and filled. 2.8 billion miles wide—now nothing more than a particularly memorable marker of the dickmare and the digihyper’s insatiably growing penises.

“Well,” Celestia said, leaning forward on her gigantic, round bust. “Looks like a tie. Almost.”

Renamon breathed heavily, her glitching only slowly abating. “Giving up?”

“Hah! Of course not. I got plenty of juice left. But you look pretty frazzled. You can capitulate at any point; if you do it now, you might even lose with some dignity.”

Renamon scoffed. “Fuck that. I don’t need dignity. I need more!

The cosmic winds picked up, whipping up Celestia’s hair and ruffling Renamon’s fur. A warning.

Renamon defied it eagerly. “More…” she repeated the familiar mantra, squeezing her cocks anew. Fresh, lusty cockflesh grew from her loins, her many balls gurgling through the void. “More.” she said again, her expansion only escalating, billions of miles rising in a slow trickle with an alarming spike that sent her towards the trillions. “More!” Renamon repeated, and thrust her hips forward.

The galaxy trembled around her. As well it should.

Even Celestia was taken aback by the ferocity of Renamon’s greed. In the blink of an eye, she went from a marginal lead to disappearing in the masses of black cock, Renamon’s glossy dickflesh replacing the backdrop of stars with her dusky, veiny skin. “Hey!” she protested—but despite her continual addition of millions of miles, she could hardly keep up with the digimon’s trillions (and counting).

Renamon didn’t care. She moaned openly, titfucking herself with her vast, milky breasts. “Fuck yes!” As she progressed through the trillions, the digimon was now hung enough to be measured in light years—and she still grew faster.

Mara checked another box.

“Uh uh.” Celestia realized that she had best do something, or she would never recover. But Renamon’s majestic surge left her speechless, an utter speck amidst the endlesses masses of digidick. Despite the remnants of the solar system being little more than a dusting on Celestia’s scrotum, Renamon had outgrown her by a million to one.

Renamon, for her part, seemed to have almost forgotten about Celestia or the contest itself. She simply moaned at the cosmos, wracked with pleasure. “Yes! F-fuck, more!” And her body obeyed, glitching out more cock, more galaxy-ending gouts of cum. Trillions weren’t enough; she needed quadrillions and more. Being that big, it was hard to care about a little speck of a pony trembling in the shadow of your cockveins.

Filling the Milky Way came almost too easily. Renamon conquered it without a second thought, the glittering belts of stars affixing themselves to the darkness of her bulky cocks, fattening endlessly as they endeavored to fill the universe with molten cum.

And then, at the cusp of ultimate victory… Celestia struck back.

It was so sudden that Renamon at first didn’t even realize. She felt too good, drunk on power and cumming her brains out. But then she had the creeping realization that the universe was not supposed to be white—the color of Celestia’s cum-slick cockflesh. “Huh?” she said, her jaw hanging open. “Oh. Oh no.”

“Oh yes,” came the reply, the limits of the universe straining to hold back several ponycocks, each of which were fit to fill it in its entirety. 1 quintillion light years and counting, Celestia’s second wind was enough to pry existence as they knew it apart at the seams. “Hello again, little digimon.”

Renamon shuddered. Her 4 billion light years of galaxy-spearing cocks suddenly seemed so quaint. “How the hell…?”

Celestia’s giggle floated through the cosmos, her voice reverberating as the membrane of the universe deformed around her. “How could I not? Really, what is the universe but a sleeve for my cocks?” The princess let out a luxurious moan, feeling the limits of the universe tear to provide an outlet for her unstoppable size. “A thoroughly inadequate one, I might add…”

And then it burst. All at once, all conception of space time dissolved around the two, the light of the glittering stars whirling away along with the walls of the universe, which deflated like a popped balloon. All around them was an infinite white void filled with luminescent spheres—the sum of all possible universes, like the one that they had just outgrown.

“Aaand we’re in Potential Space,” Mara said. “Check and check. You know, the boss lady didn’t think you’d get here until tier 3 at least. Maybe keep it quick so you don’t wreck too many of her plans?”

Celestia grinned at the fairy and the dumbstruck digimon. “I tried to call it once, but my esteemed speck of an opponent did not agree. Now, I don’t think I could stop my girls if I tried.” She moaned, soaking a dozen universes as her lengths grew to twice the size of her old one. And three times, four times, their growthlust clearly not sated despite now measured by the highest possible yardstick!

Speck?” Renamon rumbled. “I’ll show you speck!” In an instant, her fat, black cocks were back in frame, brawling with Celestia’s over the discarded debris of their universe.

“Still some life left in you, eh?” Celestia laughed as their ever-growing shafts tangled. “Good. I wouldn’t want it to be too easy.”

“Nothing easier than submitting,” Renamon said. Her lengths surged ahead, beating Celestia a hundred to one once more. “Infinite universes, and they all have me as the winner.”

Celestia cracked a grin. “That so?” A surge, and she left Renamon’s thousand-universe shafts in the dust.

“You fucking bet.” Renamon fired back, undaunted by the sheer everything of ponycock rising above her. “I’ve got more!

And so it went, both megaherms growing and frotting and cumming, driving themselves wild. Celestia panted, Renamon groaned, sweating and humping as the supra-universal space around them filled with steaming hot cockflesh and realities of cum.

“So do I,” Celestia promised, reaching inside her to find that final push to victory. Her lengths climbed and climbed, millions of universes becoming hundreds… and finally, she reached her limit. A monumental size of 406,000,000 universes.

Renamon throbbed before her. But the digimon was not done. “More.” she said, and her cocks obeyed. “More.” They surged, reaching Celestia’s heights. “More.” Trillions of universes were displaced, pushed aside by the endless Renacocks. Infinite? No. Not yet.

“I believe we have a winner!” Mara called out, clapping excitedly as she eyed the enormous digimon.

Celestia could hardly breathe. “How…” She gawked at Renamon. “How are you still…?”

The divine digi-dicks continued to surge. Quadrillions, quintillions; she made counting in universes look positively pedestrian, just as easy to outgrow as any old measurement. Renamon panted, still pumping herself. “More!”

“Uh, Rena?” Mara said. “You won? You can stop now? Or not. That’s up to you.”

Renamon shook her head. “I can’t… I feel too good, too big. I can’t stop!”

Mara shrugged. “More size for me, then. Just, uh, leave some space for the next match, yeah?”

Renamon made no reply. She stroked her growing body, lost in endless orgasm. There was only one thing on her mind.



Final sizes:


3.7E+35 m ≈ 415,000,000 universes

Wildcard: Breast & Ass Growth, Multi-cock, Multi-arms


1.5E+48  m ≈ 6,820,000,000,000,000,000,000 universes

Wildcard: Height Growth, Breast & Ass Growth, Multi-cock


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