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I hope you had an Egg-cellent day!

The basic story behind it is that she took a PT job thinking it would be super easy since it was just prepping eggs for Easter, according to the ad they just needed someone to make eggs and send them in, there was no quota, whatever you managed was great. They sent her a small vial with instructions to drink it. She does and the next morning she feels a weird urge to bare down and a weirdly colored egg eventually pops out of her, notably concerned she contacts the company and they explain that was perfectly normal, and to send all her eggs to the PO box as instructed. At first she is not a fan, but soon she gets used stopping every few hours to lay an egg, and she starts to enjoy it, soon she is laying 5 - 10 eggs as a time, but she is starting to notice some changes as well, bit of hair, buck teeth, another call and the company says that's totally normal, especially at the rate she is producing, and the more she produces the more she will change. Eventually she is popping out nearly 60 eggs a day!

And loving it



E d

Very lovely.