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This month we have 3-4 animations and no paintings

I will take a pause from painting due to generative AI.

You might remember me saying that I will quit in 1-2 months. It's been 2 months. But instead of quitting 100% I will do just animations until I find a job (or I'm forced to quit due to job hunting).

If this is where we divide, I thank You for your patronage from the bottom of my heart. I feel like I was close to achieving my dream of making it as an artist. That was because of you guys... Fuck was I close...

Bit of an explanation:

I can't market art anymore because all major sites allow either AI or scraping and I feel shit feeding art to unregulated theft machine. The biggest spaces are now flooded with AI. Fake art(ists) everywhere. Billion dollar companies putting their all into lobbying and developing the tech that rips us all off. Artists being replaced. Competition at all time high. Value and respect towards art at sewer levels.

They don't offer us opt-in system so I will opt-out my own way: by stop making art. So, know that this decision was made for me.

When gAI is controlled by law and our culture has healed will I feel comfortable sharing my paintings online again. Regulations and legal ramifications will come, but the speed of these things make independent illustration close to impossible right now. At least for me.



The more AI art that’s released the more I hate it. It’s ruining so many careers because of greedy business and I honestly think it’s aesthetically unappealing most of the time. Really hope laws get passed to regulate this AI garbage sooner rather than later.


I'll still put the same effort in, but since animations take more time, I can't promise 4 animations unless I learn to make quicker pieces :/


Personally, I'm yet to see anything worthwhile from AIs. In thumbnail they look good, but that's as far as it seems to go. Sad to see you go, but if that's your decision, I'll accept it.


I hate to see you taking a break from it, as I've always lived your drawings but completely understand. Hope you find the passion to do them again.


I admired your art style for quite a long time and it's sad to see how AI has been affecting so many people. Before AI, I have been drawing characters to better my skills, but with how AI seem to be going, I stopped practicing character drawing. Been focusing on my design major. Although it's unfortunate that you won't do any painting anymore, I respect your decision and I hope you are able to find a job you enjoy and see future in. Though I can say this for sure, I have been keep on coming back to your patreon (subscribing and resubscribing) because your art is truly a unique style that is nowhere to be found.


Thank you for the nice words. You could draw characters and build your skills and portolio, but right now I recommend focusing on securing a job that pays until creative works are protected and respected.