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As I’m sure you all saw… But in case you didn’t… Battlestar Galactica won the poll as our next big Sci-Fi addition to the channel!

Seeing as how this is a show that neither Paula nor I have seen, we’re looking for your help to name the new show! If you’d like, in the comments below, each of you give ONE idea for what the new name of the show could be, “Gallifrey Gals Get… ?”

I’ll pin this post and leave it up over the weekend for those who want to be involved and think of an idea! On July 4th we will sift through all of the suggestions and pick between 4-6 of them and then create a poll for everyone to vote on! If you notice that someone else had the same idea as you… Don’t fret! That’s actually a good thing that might help your title get chosen!

If you're a part of $1 tier, thank you for your support, every little bit helps! We would love to have you be a part of this as well. So get those ideas rolling!

We’re so excited to add a whole new show to the roster and we can’t wait to see all of your ideas!


Kat and Paula


Red Claw

Gallifrey Gals get to the 13th Colony


Since they use the Term "JUMP" vor faster than light travel, how about: Gallifrey Gals gets Jumped". An alternative: Gallifrey Gals gets a plan. Because the Cylons have a plan.

Josef Schiltz

'Go Galactica Gals!' - for the alliteration?

Chris Neumann

Gallifrey Gals Get Toasted. Gallifrey Gals Get Glowy. Gallifrey Gals Get Slight Motion Sickness. Gallifrey Gals Get Green Jackets.


Frakked is the one. That word IS BSG, as Frell is Farscape, redshirt is Star Trek and timey wimey is DW.


Get Frakked for sure!


I've never watched the show either, but I know enough about it to know that "Galifrey Gals Get Frakked" is probably the way to go.


"Get Toasted" for sure. So much funnier than "Get Frakked"

Henchman Twenty1

Do they still say "Felgercarb" in this show? It was used in the original and basically meant B.S. If still used, then "Get felgercarbed" could be an option. I was a fan of the original show, as corny as it was at times, but I couldn't get into the remake. Too soap-opera-in-space for me.

Henchman Twenty1

Well. literally now, yes. But it didn't used to be. I'm from the days back when Sci-Fi was for the geeks, not mainstream, dumbed-down, hey let's mix X with some sci-fi or fantasy so everyone gets it. Especially those who used to make fun of the genre but now it's all hip.

Ben Chan

The BSG reboot was anything but dumbed down. Not like the original show was hard science fiction with their cute robot dog.

Henchman Twenty1

Hey, anyone who can come up with the idea to shove a chimpanzee into a robot dog costume and get it to act has my respect! Okay, "dumbed down" might be the wrong phrase. Homogenized with other genres so a wider audience can relate to and understand it. Expensive to make shows need a bigger audience to be financially viable and that's what doomed BSG[OS].


Not to get all "ackchyually" on ya but the term space opera has been around since the 1930s. Sounds like you're more into hard science fiction.

David Brown

No, they never used "felgercarb" on the version. Nor the sometimes shortened "felger". The also made the name of the original card game the name of the sport, we never find what the new name of the card game is.

Bruce Bromley

A simple one. "Gallifrey Gals Go Galactic".

Josef Schiltz

Henchman Twenty1: Exactly. That's what happened in 2005 to Doctor Who. I practically switched off for good because of the Tyler family.

Kris Nimitz

cool, after star trek, BSG is on my no.2


Get cylonic. Just trying to figure out what is the single most recognisable thing of the franchise and a cylons helmet/head seems to be it. Also the name in the patreon search will be easily recognisable.


Get frakked fits well, though I understand if you don't pick it, since it's the in-universe equivalent of our f-word.


The galactica girls get frakked