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Story & Art by CLX / Colors by Hernán Cabrera.




SoOo now we're jumping right into the story, which is gonna be a hell of a ride, unlike right now it seems pretty simple and easy to know where we're heading... hehehe! The colors are mindblowing, truly he made a crazy work here & I thought I'd be aroused by the leather & gold military suit, but the orange prisoner suit is gorgeous, matching perfectly what I drawn & what I have in mind. On some technical notes, I had many troubles to make this page happen, how I work with the different softwares is pretty a lot to handle, I miss the *simpler* times of the "LUST" comic series, black & white only & traditional way almost all along the way LOL. Anyway, I'm learning a lot with every new page, so things will go smoother in a few pages, I guess. Have a lovely sunday, folks!

Burnand Nicolas

Great work. It looks very good. Both guys are hot in their own way. Let's see how the story continues.


Love this. Your black and white work is amazing. This coloring really brings your art to life!

Gabriel Lampert

Very nice! I am definitely wanting to get into more of this story! Note: I would suggest "You've BEEN passed out so many hours...."

That Long-Haired Creepy Guy

I love the way the colors compliment the line work. They work real well together. There's a lot that's happening in these few panels. My eyes keep getting draw in to the little details. Love it! <3 But yeah, I know Gabriel Lampert already pointed out, but it's more like, "You've been passed out for so many hours." I know that English is not your first language, though. I can't say that my French would be better. :P Great job, overall!

Patrick Fillion

An absolutely GLORIOUS new page, my friend. WOWWEE! I continue to LOVE your lines with Hernan's colors, and the way everything just pops so beautifully! I adore the cell "laser bars" and the effect on them so much -- it's so sleek and "high tech/futuristic"! Brilliant! And the outfits are so superb in color... and as much as I like them, I can't wait for them to come off these two verrrrry hot hunks! LOL! MERVEILLEUSE page, cher ami. BRAVO!!!! 😍😘😍😘


Thanks a lot Nicolas! You're right, they are really different, it's gonna be interesting to see how they match when... closer! :-P


Oh thank you Gary! We worked to make it blend together indeed, I'm really glad with the result, I guess it will go better & better.


Thanks Gabriel! And thanks for correcting my English, I'm so glad you guys help me out with this, I'm really not that sure of my say at some point, hehe! Will correct this & notice when done.


Thank you, very well said, colors compliment the line work. I guess soon you'll be drawn to bigger details XD Thanks for the correction, I always welcome your advices & help with English, I'm not that sure of my spelling & grammar hehe!


Hey, thanks a lot Patrick, so happy you really enjoy my work & his there, we worked our asses off to make it happen! The vision I had in my head on the laser bard are really there, he did wonders! Careful what you wish for, my dear friend, in the future such wishes can happen FAST! XD Bises !

Brad McDermott

This is perfect. The colour is great and it almost glows. I am very looking forward to where this is going. 😈


Who knew orange would just scream raw attraction to me...? It certainly gets the imagination racing.


Hey, thank you so much Brad! The coloring makes the volume, it goes really great here & makes the scenes pop.


Hihihi, your imagination could be at rest sooner than you think, such sexy costuming can't last long XD So happy you like it, thanks Magnus!


I'm always in awe of people speaking french, it's a pretty difficult language, starting for us, the french people LOL

Thomas Polk

Strong impact, exciting comic. You're such a seducer, keep it up!


Hihi, merci Thomas ! I have fantastic plans for this comic, very ambitious :-)

Tyler Jocks

Those bulges...! The whole page is beautiful!


Aww you make me smile! I must admit these look clearly porny there, although it wasn't the intention at first, I guess the colors & volume make 'em go beyond! XD Thank you so much Tyler!