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Sorry for the slight lull in updates in the later part of last month, guys. I was prepping hard for a con this weekend. This month will be really weird because I have another con about a week after I come back and then I'm adopting an ex racer greyhound who has never been in a real home, only a kennel, so training will take a fair chunk of my time for a while. Not to worry though, there will be lots of sketches from both cons to show off!

I'm not sure how the new pledge changes for Patreon work quite yet so I'll sort out the rest of this month's content when I get back from the con early next week. It's prepped, but it's unclear to me whether I still need to keep posting to dropbox or if I'm now protected from people pledging and declining, or pledging high and switching their pledge to a low amount near the end of the month (don't do this please, it's such a dick move!). Does anyone know more? The way it's worded I don't understand if ONLY people who's pledge has processed can see the content in their tier or if people who get declined get blocked only after being declined. There's a difference, because the latter means a new account can still get all the content until they get charged for the first time and get declined, or change their pledge amount...


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