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Most of you know that I have never been able to stay consistent with getting to $10 Patreon requests in a timely manner. It is because of this that I feel I have to make a change in how Patreon requests are handled at least for now. You will still be able to request the same things you always have been, but I will now be doing a stream at the end of each month where I do all of the requests. Of course after this stream, the request will still be posted either on YouTube or here on Patreon as an individual video, and you will still be shouted out as the sponsor of that video, so it won't be buried in a stream VOD. The only difference will be that doing them in a stream will force me to get to them all rather quickly and keep me from falling so far behind. You will be able to give me the request ahead of time, or show up to the stream with your request and give it to me live, as long as you just mention what your Patreon username is. You will be able to request previous months if you are still owed a request as well.

This is not ideal but it is what I feel I have to do in order to stay on top of them, at least for now. Please let me know if you have any questions about this change, I will be announcing the date for the February stream in another post soon. If I still owe you a request from a month before February 2023, I will still do them off stream as I have before, since it's not your fault I am late to these requests. If you are still owed a request feel free to send it to me and I will be happy to still do it as normal.



any idea when this stream will take place? i know you are out of action atm but i wanna insure i make this stream.


I wanted to always do it the last week of the month but I got sick at the worst time. Going to shoot for March 6th I think. I will post the request post in a couple hours.