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hello guys! I share with you an update of the rewards that are currently in development.

  • Chief Bogo x mayor lionhearth x big daddy imageset - Zootopia x Sing imageset(all tiers): I'm currently working on the inks for this reward. It is my priority but because it is a trio, it is taking me longer than expected. However, as soon as I finish the inks I'm going to share the first teaser with you!

  • Lustful desire comic (full access patron): the inks for all the pages are ready!! The comic will consist of 9 pages and will be available in both text and textless versions, with a total of 18 files.

  • Knight's Road comic (full access patron): the painting process for tomorrow's page is finished. It will be sent tomorrow night.

    Countdown: https://embed-countdown.onlinealarmkur.com/es/#2024-07-20T21:30:00@



Nice! Can't wait for all of these rewards