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Hello everyone! I hope you are having a good Monday. I bring you news about the rewards that are currently in development.

  • Mega Pokemon miniset (mega machoke x incineroar) for all tiers: I'm currently working on the set. so there will be teasers today!

  • Knight's Road comic (temporarily for all tiers): I was working on the sketches for this week's page but I paused to advance on the pokemon miniset.

  • Suggestions post for next imageset (full access patron tier): The next set will be focused on human characters. and the post to suggest to your poll participants will be published today!

  • Endeavor - Inferno comic (full access patron tier): the inks on pages 1 to 10 are finished! The painting process from page 1 to 9 is ready. This comic will be around 13 - 14 pages. As with all monthly comics, this one will be distributed on May 31.


João Lacerda

For the human pools they have to stay human or transformation is allowed?


A short comic with 13-14 pages?! You must have really gone all out with our favorite number 1 hero hehe