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A little something for Mar10 Day.

Luigi was sick and tired of Bowser kidnapping the princesses. He knew that Bowser wanted a princess of his own.

So Luigi decided to turn himself into one. He found the Super Princess Crown and put it on.

It began to change Luigi‘s body. His hair grew out, going past his shoulders. His eyebrows went from being bushy to thin and arched. His trademark mustache disappeared utterly

His body wasn‘t the only thing changing; his clothes were also changing. The pants began to fuse, becoming a tight skirt. His skirt began to expand as a hoopskirt, and petticoats grew underneath. His shirt becomes a bodice with two poofy sleeves.

Underneath his dress, his body was changing as well. His shoulders narrowed, his waist shrunk, and his hips widened. The last thing to change his body was his manhood, which became a womanhood.

Luigi was now a princess! She was sent to Koopaland to become the bride of Bowser. Saving Princess Peach from being kidnapped once again.



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