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Garret now has a voice, and he's excited for a new pet >:)

His voice and demeanor is hard and gruff, what you'd expect from our wolf boy. He's voiced by https://twitter.com/AlphaAniki!

We've also (finally) updated buttplug to their new system that uses intiface, which will hopefully bring support to all the new toys that have come out since the last time. This means you will need to download intiface to use buttplug now.

We've also done a ton of playerbody fixes. It should hopefully be mostly functional now!

Thank you all for your support. Anthro Heat couldn't exist without you!


DOWNLOAD LINK HERE (No longer on Mega!)

How to run Heat (Remember you need SteamVR to run the game in VR, and 7zip(recommended) or WinRAR to unpack it.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Controls:  Oculus/Index:

  • B: Menu

  • A: Radial Menu

  • Thumbstick press: Kiss/Lick

  • Left Joystick: Move

  • Right Joystick: Rotate/Teleport

  • Trigger whilst holding toy: Shoot


I've completely run out of buttons on this thing so you may need to customize the controls in the SteamVR overlay. If you have any suggestion on how best to bind everything, let me know on Discord please.

  • That weird button close to the pad: Menu

  • Grip: Shoot w/ toys

  • Bottom of touchpad: Kiss/Lick

  • Left Touchpad: Move

  • Sides of Right Touchpad: Rotate

  • Top of Touchpad whilst holding toy: Radial Menu


WMR controls change depending on the model, and some actions may be unbound entirely. You can see/edit your bindings by going to the settings in the SteamVR overlay and adjust the bindings and add any missing actions there.

For 2D:

  • ESC: Close/move menu

  • WASD: Move

  • P/L: Switch between VR mode and 2D mode

  • Q/E or Ctrl/Space: Move up and Down

  • TAB: Open Radial Menu

  • N: Extend tongue/kiss

  • M whilst holding toy: Shoot

  • Click: Grab something when the cursor lights up green

  • R/F, Z/X, T/G: Rotate item in hand

  • Mouse Wheel: Move object away or towards the camera

  • Mouse: Rub something when the hand moves in Debug Keys:

  • I: Make character erect

  • C: Make character climax



  • Update tracker menu always

  • Improve playerbody elbow logic

  • Improve playerbody head tilts

  • Fix trackers not connecting

  • Fix duo cumflation

  • Improve character arm scaling

  • Bring new dick grab system more towards completion

  • Fix floating characters

  • Add additional arm length slider

  • Better body selection menu

  • Fix groin bind point

  • Turn possession orientation off by default


  • New WIP grab system for playerbody hands on dicks, some playerbodies should grab dicks better

  • Fix Garret knot and Riley pre


  • New WIP grab system for playerbody hands on dicks, some playerbodies should grab dicks better

  • Fix Garret knot and Riley pre

  • Fix Patreon not being the default auth mode

  • Update Garret beathing animation

  • Add tracker status to playerbody menu

  • Improve players waist tracking

  • Fix playerbody floating sometimes

  • Add options to mute character voice on playerbody, and to keep playerbody erect, both on by default

  • Fix controller as waist

  • Fix hip thrusting on playerbody

  • Fix bad audio in Garret breathing and fix popping on all audio. Please report and voice lines with background noise

  • Disable player physics at tiny playerbody scales until we come up with a better solution

  • Characters now look at the other characters when talking about them

  • Fix playerbody pee switch

  • Fix playerbody sometimes spawning in the floor

  • Fix grab highlight after scaling


Known Issues

  • Laser might not register with UI sometimes, possible fixes are: Game restart, by setting the game window to focus by clicking on it, or by alt-tabbing (let me know if this still happens, I may have fixed it)

  • Browser doesn't launch when hitting authenticate, or refuses to connect: Try running in admin mode or setting a different browser to default temporarily

Common Solutions to Game Issues

These are common solutions to many problems, ranging from the tongue not spawning to the game not launching in VR, or the game not authenticating. Try these out first if you're having issues, they work surprisingly often. If they don't work, message me and I'll be glad to help.

All issues (try these first):

  • Right click on verifyintegrity.ps1 and select 'Run with PowerShell' to validate your files. If this fails, redownload the game. The download got corrupted.

  • Make sure the game isn't installed within any folders that have winky faces or other unusual characters in them at any part in the path. This includes characters from other languages.

  • Webroot, and rarely other antiviruses falsely flag the game and will delete its files without telling you anything. Make sure they don't do that

  • Restart the game and your computer

Auth issues:

  • If you have a localhost error in your browser, press the auth trouble button below the authenticate button and follow the directions exactly.

  • Check "use alternate port" below the authenticate button

  • Run the game as admin

  • Make sure an antivirus isn't messing with Heat

  • Make sure game is let through firewall

  • Set a different browser to default temporarily

  • Disable adblocker temporarily

  • Disable any security that could prevent your computer from opening a socket and accepting a connection temporarily

VR issues:

  • Adding the game as a non-steam game then running from within SteamVR (if not working in VR)

  • Press P to switch to 2D mode and L to switch to VR mode on your keyboard

  • If your hands don't work, reset SteamVR bindings for the game. If you can't do this, launch the game from the .exe, not from the Steam shortcut

  • If you're using Oculus and the game doesn't launch in VR, launch SteamVR and sit in it for about 30 seconds then run the game from within SteamVR

  • Reinstall/validate SteamVR and Oculus software

  • Update video drivers

  • Clicking on the game window with your mouse when the game is open then putting on your VR headset (if the UI laser doesn't work)

  • Make sure the game isn't installed within any folders that have winky faces or other unusual characters in them at any part in the path. This includes characters from other languages.

  • If you have trouble with Lovense connections, watch the pinned video in the Lovense channel on the Discord.


Roger Bond

I see that character mouths respond at least slightly to objects being presented. But they don't bend quite enough, and don't suck what they're presented with very well, especially their own dick.


I'm not able to see hands, and control for grabbing turns on and off blowtouch while browsing in and out of menu, cant interact with toys, just the menu. any idea how to fix?


i just bought the game. love it so far but is there a way to turn off teleporting on the right joystick?

jack rom

When I click on the option to use the controller as the waist tracker, it uses the controller I clicked it with and not the Opposite one. Is there any solutions to this problem?


Will fix it, but just click with the opposite controller. Open the menu with the other hand


Amazing, cant wait to see more Latex/Rubber/shiny stuff hehe, maybe even a living latex character? Hehe