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Female character poll

  • Horse girl 456
  • Zebra girl 346
  • Unicorn girl 258
  • Maned wolf girl 803
  • Coyote girl 510
  • Collie girl 459
  • 2024-05-06
  • 2832 votes
{'title': 'Female character poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Horse girl', 'votes': 456}, {'text': 'Zebra girl', 'votes': 346}, {'text': 'Unicorn girl', 'votes': 258}, {'text': 'Maned wolf girl', 'votes': 803}, {'text': 'Coyote girl', 'votes': 510}, {'text': 'Collie girl', 'votes': 459}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 6, 15, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 2832}



We have a slight imbalance between the number of female and male characters in the game, where there's one more boy. We're going to create a counterpart for Atlas or Garret to bring the numbers in line since they don't have a counterpart character yet.

 This new female will be based on the model and skeleton of Atlas or Garret to save use a lot of time in character development. Although they'll still have significant changes to make sure they're properly proportioned (Like Riley and Aurora).

Choose the type of character you'd like to see below! As usual these polls aren't binding, but will guide our choices.



Neka Moe

Buff Wolf girl to accompany the male, very much yes X3

Isaiah Castro

there is not enough unicorn rep in the furry community justice for unicorns

afro the kobold

I'd love a smol red panda girl


Looking like the wolf girl going to win (which is fine), but i do agree with the sentiment that some more variety would be appreciated as the game continues to grow, including: -Female Horse/Zebra/giraffe -Bull + Cow -Female Bunny -Male Crocodile -Avians (of some kind, i'm not a huge bird person but I feel like the skin's could be very vibrant, which would be fun) -Gorilla/Ape/Monkey -Male Grizzly + Female Polar Bear That being said, always happy to see this game growing and that these poll responses get lots of engagement!!


A tall, skinny leggy with a somewhat timid personality would be absolutely perfect!


Atlas based leggy dommy mommy


I’d love to see more equine style characters, and maybe in the future, more dragons or dinosaurs would be stellar. I feel like too many games cater for canine and feline and its getting a little tiring.


if you put wolf or cat in the pool, its almost always gonna win by default...maybe for the next pool exclude these two, considering theres already a few of them in game. just my 2 cents

Joseph Goldthorp

If she's a maned wolf, I imagine she's going to be put into that Borzia meme "Let Me Do it for you".


Unicorn girl with French accent. Like Baphomet from Doom Patrol. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!


https://youtu.be/AVhl0rF5tjA?si=GLhAR-wAt6CKL6Vo&t=58 Actually, doesn't have to be a unicorn, but I need the French accent.


Will these counterpart character have togglable dicks?

Stride (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 23:42:15 1,500 people want a maned wolf, sure. But 4,000 people do not!
2024-05-07 23:21:11


When we getting Sergals xD add more exotics

Solar Dragon

4000 people may not prefer a maned wolf, but of those 4000 an unspecified number less then, or equal to 1500 are not opposed to the idea.


Yo where the masc men at ya keep adding fem bois and girls. -_-

Droog Commie

Please make them futa

William G

More horses and cats.


Tbh: A Female Horse, Zebra or Unicorn would be something. There are already enough wolf/canine characters in Game. Please give us something else.


fox girl for the win


We already have a fox girl aurora. Isnt that enough

Pt Foxy

never enough fox girls. and we still d0nt have a ROBO fox girl,or how about an ampwave?


What about changing it up entirely and going with an avian girl. Or imo even better some sort of rodent girl, like a skunk or opossum. Never can get enough of Equestrian girls but it'd be nice to a bigger variety of species over different genders of each species, the opposite gender of certain characters could always be added at a later date, just my opinion as for my vote, horse/zebra/unicorn girl for the win lol

Pt Foxy

Rat girl! Or otter or ferret or hyena or raccoon


Why the hell isn't cat an option


I know it doesn't share the same model as atlas/garret but I'd love to see a fox boy/girl in future


Definitely need a horse. Idk why furries are so basic. We already have TWO canid characters 🙄