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Now writing SCP-esque entries for the original Kaiju I shared some years back on bogleech. I'd like to spruce them up with more polished artwork (or even convincing photomanipulations???) if I ever can before I share these outside Patreon. For now the original doodles are good enough, and you might be the only readers of these for up to a year.


Roaming Biocataclysm 066: Volcanic Goddess

Colloquial shorthand: "Hellcarp"

RBC066 is a Category 4 bipedal chordate 103 meters in maximum height, though the subject's hunched posture seldom exceeds 60 meters. These measurements exclude its cranial fin rays, which add another 9 meters when fully erect.

PHYSIOLOGY: The subject has a thin anthropoid frame with a relatively small torso. Its long legs are digitigrade with clawed, four-toed feet, while the arms are elongated enough to reach the ground and end in clawed, four-fingered hands. All digits are webbed. The head is similar in physiology to the Stomiidae (dragon eels and viperfish) with an elongated lower jaw and large, unlidded white eyes. Each eye is divided into two segments by a diagonal bar of epidermal tissue, giving a "four eyed" impression. Fans of thin, sharp, unwebbed bony rays sprout from the top of the head, the upper back, the elbows, the backs of the lower legs and the corners of its jaws. The creature's skin is uniformly scarlet in coloration and coated in sharp, serrated denticles 15cm in length. The fin rays are orange.


066 maintains an average internal body temperature of 900C, and its oily circulatory fluid combusts on contact with oxygen. The chemical mechanism of this combustion has yet to be determined as the substance dissipates completely in the process and attempts at sample retrieval directly from 066 have been unsuccessful. The RBC's tissue structures are impervious to all tested thermal extremes, though 066 becomes more agitated in environmental conditions below freezing. It is capable of projecting its volatile bodily fluids from its tubular tongue up to a distance of 300m.


066 consistently spawns from the sulfuric craters of the Polynesian Hellmouth, a chain of active volcanic islands that emerged off the coast of New Zealand with the first known manifestation of 066. It is unaggressive towards humans and has demonstrated protective behavior towards humans inhabiting its manifestation site. It is otherwise extremely aggressive towards all known RBC's, and is known to move toward any RBC's it detects within the Pacific ocean and up to 100km inland of any Pacific coastline. On terminating an RBC it will retrieve a "trophy" from the carcass, ideally a skull or equivalent cranial support structure, which it adds to a growing collection around the perimeter of HC01, the Hellmouth's largest crater and the RBC's preferred resting place.


The docility of 066 towards non-RBC lifeforms within its manifestation territory has resulted in an ongoing global emigration to the Polynesian Hellmouth and an emergent culture surrounding the idolization of the "Hellcarp" ranging from a secular tourism industry to multiple religious movements. In 2067 construction began on a network of enclosed, unmarked facilities lining the interior walls of several larger craters, and by 2070 these structures appeared to be inhabited by a long term population numbering in the thousands. The ownership and purpose of these facilities remains unknown to the general public, and its inhabitants resist all outside contact. Referred to as "Sulfurtown" by locals, popular rumor holds that its inhabitants are part of a religious cult engaged in genetic experimentation with 066, and sightings of "fish people" in and around the sulfuric lakes have increased exponentially over the past decade.

An alleged data breach outlines both the scientific research and religious beliefs of a movement identifying itself as the "Children of the Boiling Queen," but its authenticity has been called into question. A second, conflicting document suggests that 066 was selected by an anonymous scientific institute for an ongoing study into the pharmaceutical potential of RBC genetics due in part to the creature's approachability and unusual biochemistry. This document discusses an urgency to protect the institution's identity from an unidentified rival and addresses the more fantastic rumors of cult activity or hybridization experiments as a useful diversion.

On 03/12/74 another anonymous party supported the authenticity of both data leaks, stating that the Children of the Boiling Queen are an unauthorized movement among "non-academic" employees founded by an individual whose identity and motivations have eluded upper staff.



Ya you deserve my Montfort this please do more like this perfurably of the blood 🩸 pack bio bags and evil polip


Montfort Means money not sure how I messed that up