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Tomorrow at 4pm pacific time, I'll be streaming a read-along of the 1977 Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual. This will be my first public twitch stream after testing it out a few days prior with a small group!

If this goes well, future streams might include me drawing and working on other updates and who knows!


bogleech - Twitch




we're gonna have to get you some silly stings to play when DnD crimes occur.

Spiders in a Trenchcoat (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-23 07:36:14 Doubt I'll catch that as it's airing, but I may try and see the re-run. I played a lot of AD&D/2.0 and those old books and manuals are fun to page through.
2023-04-09 05:41:52 Doubt I'll catch that as it's airing, but I may try and see the re-run. I played a lot of AD&D/2.0 and those old books and manuals are fun to page through.

Doubt I'll catch that as it's airing, but I may try and see the re-run. I played a lot of AD&D/2.0 and those old books and manuals are fun to page through.