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For patrons only, until I round these up and share them on bogleech.com later this year! Disqus comments have to be disabled on the review itself until then, but you can leave any thoughts here!

Savageland is a mockumentary about a fictional, horrific, paranormal event that befalls the population of a very tiny town....and the innocent, non-paranormal man who took the blame.


Weird Movie Monsters

We're officially in the once-monthly entries, which are meant to be exclusive to My patreon until rounded up and posted to the site! This month's entry is, at the time of this writing, completely free on Tubi and here on youtube , but even if you're fine with most horror films, there are aspects of this one that some viewers may find too distressing.



town attacked by trevor henderson beasts


Decent movie that plays on the fears isolated border towns have. Some of the stories my friend used to tell me that went on in the small town he lived in southern Texas was nuts.


This is great if you need more ideas 💡 old people from old people bird box monster’s the static from mom and dad and really any off the honorable mentions


Will I see more of these on another paytron level