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I'm having SO much difficulty settling on the base color for this monster's body! A real flea looks pitch black until it's in direct light, and then it's usually a translucent amber. I can't seem to pick a middle ground that I like, especially for a human/flea hybrid that might not retain the exact colors of either creature anyway.

I designed this monster with its "helmet" removable, too; there are real fleas with strange helmet-like head growths of chitin, the functions of which aren't really known.

This is one of the oldest Mortasheen creatures, and the original concept behind the design was that a human combined with a flea might look like a cartoonist's impression of a flea; a hopping thing with a pointy nose.

For this remake, I wanted it to look a little more like a human hybrid. It's fleshier and it now has four limbs, but I gave it severely reduced hind legs so that the arms and hands are what it leaps on. The chitinous helmet allows it to keep the weird, pointy nosed look and a more flea-like appearance while also homaging Giger's xenomorph, which fleas have always heavily reminded me of.

I just don't know about the color scheme....a real flea can look amber, black, or mahogany depending on the lighting.




i like the darker looking one more!

John Beattie

Yeah. Black and red with the amber helmet is pretty cool looking.

Karl T. Face

I'm personally drawn to the purplish version. Not even sure why.

