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This monster concept represents two major deviations from Mortasheen's "rules" thus far:

First, it's one of the legendary Boo Men, but not a bioconstruct; almost every monster class, some day, may get a Boo Man of its own.

Second, this is the plan for the Arthropoid entry, which means an Arthropoid outside the simple human-arthropod hybrid formula. This will be part of a subcategory of "Monstrous" Arthropoids, bio-engineered creatures that are all further scrambled from that formula, in most cases so much so that their components may be hardly recognizable.

Skratch would have aspects of fleas, lice and ticks, and even generate tick-like creatures from beneath its scales. The anubis-like shape plays into the fact that it sees itself as some sort of Death God in its mind, due to its mastery of a deadly insect-borne virus. This makes Skratch the Boo Man patron of all disease-spreading creatures in the setting, just as Drane represents the many brain-suckers and Stingg all the venomous monsters.
