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Mumblegog, Gullywunk, and a further touched up Gezoond!

Something a bit different is being done with the final plagueman.

I deemed Mumblegog's existing art perfect as-is, so I colorized it without any design changes.

I remember adding the original Mumblegog to Mortasheen before plague doctors were even famous, it was so long ago! The name was goofy nonsense, rather than the meaningful joke names I usually do these days, so I gave the related species similar nonsense names. "Officially" I now consider these the names these creatures gave themselves, because their original intended names are possibly long lost.

Gullywunk is still inspired by a lawn flamingo, but I touched up its proportions, gave it more prominent hands and added a devilish tail, which to me calls to mind a little bit of weathervane.

Gezoond as I may have mentioned is now inspired by a chimaera, a deep sea fish, but also the shape of a Jenny Haniver. When it perches, its snout droops and it would look more like a toucan.

I also went back and made Gezoond's "valve" more impressive.



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