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You can download the full size file on this post, and see all the messy flaws in the shading! This piece of art has around 40 layers.....I am really bad at keeping that organized and I tend to make multiple layers of just shading and different highlighting I can keep editing or turn off if I change my mind.

The shape of the body with the large "hips" is actually the same as the leaf shape of an actual venus fly trap. This monster was a redo of "Widoweed," a much older one, but I updated the name to be a bit more interesting too, coming from the word "lascivious."

As you can work out from its description on bogleech.com, those are bile generating glands on its chest, not whatever else you thought they were; hence the unpleasant gill-like slits I added on them.

The head went through many ideas over the years including simple pod heads with no facial features or hair, but I finally settled on a simple, weird alien mouth that happens to resemble puckered lips, and a greasy hairdo I think came out cute.

I overuse these kinds of purple and pink colors, but it is a real color scheme some cultivars of fly trap can have! Of course many plants, including fly traps, will turn red and purple if they're getting too much sunlight. It doesn't harm them; they just stop needing as much green chlorophyll, if I remember right




Nice! Will you be uploading Sourtout and Diamrem as well?


I just got that it's also "Lash-civenus" due to the large eyes with pronounced eyelashes which the shape of the flytrap petals mimics.


That actually didn't occur to me until you said it! It's a play on "lascivious" which is similar in meaning to "lustful" and "obscene!"