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I'm upgrading this. You can still use this space to ask any questions to be answered by Awful Hospital characters (I am still gathering enough for one big post) but you can ALSO ask me anything and everything you want, and get a 100% guaranteed response. It can be difficult for me to keep up with tumblr asks, and many people are shy about asking stuff on social media anyway.

Since you guys pay my rent every month, my attention is the very least I can give back! If you ask even 100 things I will try to get back to you with 100 answers!


Logan Nix

Potentially weird question for you: How do you feel about fictionkin, specifically people being kin with your characters?


Dr. Tori: What is your relationship with Flair? 👀 Dr. Phage: Can you show us your ship chart?!


Gynnie: Do you know that Burgrr is killing a ton of young sapients in the Outer Grey? Some through parasitic infection and the rest through "forced parental abandonment." They have a direct connection to the Hospital, too. Which is far easier for patients to access than the Maternity Ward. And Phage's files mention the Hospital Board is considering giving them a direct presence there. Is this something you're concerned about? Dr. Tori: Do the names "Cathy" and "Gardina" ring a bell? Dr. Froud: Is your name pronounced "frôd" or "froyd?" Dr. H.M. Phage T.E.: If you ever get mad at Dr. Froud, try pronouncing his name as "Dr. Fraud." Like he's a fake doctor! That'll really get him annoyed. Whoever works in the Hospital's lab: Hello! Who are you guys? Is there a separate zone for pharmaceutical research and physical therapy, or is that all under "Health?" Bogleech: Characters from the Grey describe other Zones as looking cartoony and unreal in a really creepy way. I've been thinking of it as Tex Avery, but I recently remembered "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared." Is that what Zones other than the Grey look like?! Because holy fucking shit on a scalpel that makes the comic a new level of terrifying.


Yes, DHMIS does have a very very similar sensibility to what I was always aiming for with it


The doctors in general seem resistant to the Affliction (possibly a prerequisite to working at the Hospital), and it has been mentioned Tori and Gynnie are in particular highly resistant to the "influence" of their patients. But is it possible some doctors might slobify? Phleboto in particular seems vulnerable, due to his way of feeding, and he might act as a highly effective vector?


What is your favorite Fighting-type Pokemon?


Then congratulations! You have: Made Phage intensely frightening on top of being hilarious. Made Gynnie *significantly* more frightening, since Phage is convinced she's stronger and more dangerous than him. Best Doctor with Biggest Ego READILY ADMITS IT. Increased my enjoyment of Awful Hospital, something I didn't know was possible. God damn. Have you considered referencing the series when Fleagood shows up, given "unexpectedly creepy puppetry" is his schtick?


It used to be Toxicroak, then it became Scrafty, then it became Buzzwole and Pheromosa!


I do have concepts in mind for darker, more monstrous versions of them, and hypothetical slob ideas if I did decide they were vulnerable!

Logan Nix

Thought up some more questions! 1. Do you have any advice for prospective AH fanfiction writers? Specifically regarding Dr Man? 2. Is there any chance of Man and Chip interacting in canon??? My favorite boys??? 3. What's your favorite thing about AH, Mortasheen, or your work in general? 4. Question for Dr Man (can you tell who my top fave is? lol): Why do you always smile? :O 5. Question for Phage: What do you taste like? (if Phage doesn't know, can you answer for him?)


oooh I'd die to see those! If you don't use the ideas in the comic, I hope you'll end up sharing concept art at least~


1. Dr. Man is always mysterious! We may never find out for sure if he's a human or the memory of a human, but part of the philosophy behind him at this point is that it doesn't fully matter; he's a "real person" either way because he has a real person's memories. 2. I'll see! 3. I guess just making up designs and fitting them into an environment, but also getting feedback and opinions!


Dr. Phage: What is your opinion on Balmer's body upgrade? (assuming Phage has even seen it, though he probably hasn't)