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A robot made of fleshy organic matter.

I feel like I tried to make this stylish and different and instead it came out looking really plain and blah and like my style always does only not as great.




I have to agree with Billly Byran in the fact that this definately isn't what i was expecting when i clicked on the link and i was plesantly sprprised. I also agree with them in the fact that for as long as I've been following you (since i first discovered your stuff on Elfwood) I don't think you've ever created anything I would call "boring". Some things may not have been my personal cup of tea, but everything, from your Mortasheen creatures, to your drawings for various Bogleech.com articles to the various friends and foes we've met in Awful Hospital have all been interesting in their own way.


I also have to say thay Iin the case of this creature, i really love it's foot/wheel design. :)


that mouth.....was this in any way inspired by Magic Screen?? Like, from Pee-Wee's Playhouse?


Jonathan, I'm not kidding when I say every design you make is a delightful surprise to me. I've never been bored by any creature you've drawn. And I've enjoyed seeing your sensibilities evolve as you update your Mortasheen creatures and make new things. Please don't be down on yourself, I think you're just in an emotional slump. You'll make it out the other side, I guarantee it.


Oh, and this is like 180 degrees from what I was imagining when I read the title of the email, so, once again you surprise me and it's great.


I do like the RGB eyes, though eyes see rather than show? It'd have to be something like a cuttlefish's skin to work as a monitor.


I didn't even notice the eye color, that's brilliant. I'm actually a fan, it looks like something that could be in an Awful Hospital room. The CONCEPT of television.