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Hey everyone! Here's a video for Elevation, the first track off my new EP Interstellar which if you don't have yet you can download here.I also created a video for some IDM featuring autoharp which will probably end up on an electronic album in the future but for now it's an exclusive download for you.Enjoy the music and I will be back with new stuff next week! 



Get a free download of this song! I've been working with a new startup called Juniper that lets YouTubers give rewards to people who view, like, share, and comment on their videos. Everyone who enters our contest this week will get a download of "Elevation", and 3 randomly drawn winners will get my entire new EP "Interstellar".



Link the Patreon email sent me to 2-chord song FYI


No chat this week?

Andrew Huang

Alas I am hosting a friend from out of town at the moment so there's a lot less free time than usual. He's a YouTuber too though so we are talking about getting a livestream together for next week!