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Hey team! Not a paid post here, just a little update on things, plus I wanted to share the music I made for those two commercials back in February - with food noises!

If you're anywhere South-ish and West-ish in the USA, come see me on tour with Hank Green, Rob Scallon, Driftless Pony Club, and Harry and the Potters next month! http://tourbecauseawesome.tumblr.com/dates

It's always an awesome time and I would love to be able to meet you in person.

Buncha new videos and music coming your way soon. :)



Come see us on tour! http://tourbecauseawesome.tumblr.com/dates We're going to Lawrence, Dallas, Houston, Austin, El Paso, Tucson, Anaheim, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Salt Lake City, Denver, and Omaha. And it will be the best. Support my work on Patreon and be the first to get all my new music!



Ohhhhh my goodness! I saw the Panda Express one today. I wasn't even looking at the t.v., but the sounds caught my attention. :) Now I can go brag to people how I know the guy who produced the music for it, haha. As always, great stuff and will be waiting for whatever comes next.


I was just in Amsterdam and went to an Albert! Didn't see the commercial though :(