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This was a pretty intense project!

I was staying with Rob in Chicago just before we went on Tour Because Awesome, and we wanted to collab on a found sound video where we'd try to get every possible noise out of a guitar. 

We spent maybe 20 minutes collecting sounds and then I edited for daaaaays. The range of sounds was quite limiting so it was a challenge to get things sounding dynamic but ultimately I made TWO tracks and I'm stoked on both of them. This one sounded like such a good beat I had to rap on it. You can watch the one on Rob's channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY81v7mUIx8

These aren't going live until tomorrow so you get 'em early! Downloads attached to this post. WAV versions and chat link coming for $5+ patrons soon.

Some behind the scenes notes:

The rap one was originally going to be instrumental. I had almost the whole thing made when I decided it was too good not to rap on and would be a more interesting listen that way. But it was awkwardly slow. I ended up having to speed up all the audio and video by 9% to get everything to a spot that felt natural.

The "when it came down to the wire" line is a Haim reference. Days Are Gone is one of my absolute favorite albums of the past couple years and I'm still listening to it a lot. This was the first line I came up with for the song, after deciding I would try to incorporate some electric guitar puns - "Wire" is a bit weak maybe, but it got me started.

Rob owns a lot of fake moustaches.



Is this how you play it Chill Flume-y style track on Rob's channel: Support my work on Patreon and be the first to get all my new music! http://patreon.com/andrewhuang Lyrics - how many guitar puns can you spot? could you believe? amp up this beat with a sick swing could you believe?


Andrew Huang

Bonus: Rob has posted the entire take of us collecting sounds. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F3GgHtzO7U" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F3GgHtzO7U</a>


Did you edit both these videos? Must have taken an age to do. Pulled off two great tracks though!


holy shit this is epic