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A cover of one of my favorite Portishead songs, from my freshly released mini-album Interplanetary which you should all have received by now. But message me if for some reason you didn't get it! Audio commentary for $5+ patrons coming soon.



One of my favorite Portishead songs. For a very limited time my new mini-album INTERPLANETARY is FREE/PWYW on Bandcamp: https://andrewhuang.bandcamp.com/album/interplanetary It's also only $5 on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/album/interplanetary/id967105114 And patrons have already got it!



This is a great song.... when Beth Gibbons is singing it!! Ok that was rude. Sorry. :) Someone has to be a critic here and well, let me just say that you have amazing balls, for trying this. If you can pull this off you can do anything. I'll say, you pulled it off, but.... I really didn't feel it. In fact, I'll explain in a sec. I understand this wasn't easy, and I love that you had the balls to try this song. Beth fills that song with so much emotion with her voice. I feel you were trying to use the same kind of vocal volume as she does. My humble opinion is that it wasn't working but it could have been a lot worse and I see what you did here. After hearing you sing it I actually had to go hear the song live online... to... how to put this lightly, repair the damage to my brain that you had incurred as a result. That wasn't lightly but it was accurate... Hey just some honest feedback here. So... How did you manage to keep yourself from scratching like the Portishead instrumentalist Geoff Barrow? I was missing that, but I'm not sure if you have turntable skills. Peace! ---"Turn,turn,-t-t-t-turn-table-*TV*"

Andrew Huang

oh there's no way i can vocally match any of the world class artists i cover...i just like to put my own spin on some songs that inspire me to do so, and usually change up the instrumentation, the key, the chords sometimes. i try to present songs in a new light. otherwise you might as well always listen to the original! no turntables for a while...i'm still living out of a suitcase here. :)


I hear ya. I'm a pain, haha. Good job. Living out of a suitcase? For reals? Oh noes, people, we need to up or patronage! $$>$$


You know, I was just listening to Fever. Your version of Fever was tight as fuck and one of my favs. On a random note, I'm just listened to Fireworx, not impressive. And now I'm listening to Fish by Mr. Scruff. Check out Mr. Scruff if you haven't.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 03:38:45 I hope you find it in your heart to do more Portishead covers, because this was blissful and gorgeous. <3 Half Day Closing, maybe? I'd love to see what you come up with for that track.
2015-03-02 03:55:51 I hope you find it in your heart to do more Portishead covers, because this was blissful and gorgeous. <3 Half Day Closing, maybe? I'd love to see what you come up with for that track.

I hope you find it in your heart to do more Portishead covers, because this was blissful and gorgeous. <3 Half Day Closing, maybe? I'd love to see what you come up with for that track.


I loved the song.