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Character-building for all the Norse-inspired stuff in Unified Theory has reminded me how disappointed I've been feeling with the sheer, unrelenting and at times caricaturized misrepresentation of Norse mythology, folklore and culture everywhere in pop culture.

So I've decided to make my own reference material about what things are actually true there. And because this is the internet, you get to suffer the throes of enlightenment right along with me. Be honored, for you have been chosen!



I think the Norse pantheon is the one that gets butchered the most in fiction, I've seen Loki as Odin's father, brother, son, step son, adopted brother and uncle, similar issue with whom Thor's birth mother is and don't get me started on the mess that is Hel. Vastly different versions of Odin about as well consisting of a wise yet brutal king to a drunk womanizer who probably can't write his own name. (DxD Odin I'm looking at you) I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the future, it's bound to be entertaining. :)

Sebastian Pop

DxD's treatment of the masculine half of all supernatural factions is really off-putting to me, though maybe I'd feel differently if I was a fan. Still, at least Japan doesn't make it a cultural trend to hate on it.