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Hoy here we are and here we go!


Finished episode 3 of Kerillian, plan to do the fourth this week too, i'll work on a colab with someone (don't want to spoil the surprise) i'll do a line and he ll color it!
Then working on commissions, and sketchs reward for the patreon!
That's all! But that's a lot already  =D

Being the bad guy

New Stellaris update came out. And if you know me, you know i LOVE that game a lot. The new update come with something quite fun, it allow you to become the end game crisis. It mean, instead of fighting a bunch of Space bugs, or the totally not  Reapers of mass effects, the galaxy gonna have to fight you! But here is the catch, you gonn get stronger and stronger to be able to take by yourself the whole galaxy.
new mechanic is fun, cause it's not just picking the option and you have it, NO!
To have the bonus and become the bad guy you gotta earn points.. point you get for doing bad things!
Destroy a planet with  billions living on it, that's a 150 points for you! Force another stellar empire into submission by sheer power of your armies, that's another 100 points! Conquer a world, that's 50 , but if you PURGE those xenos, it's 3 for each millions you sent to the slaughter!.
The point system seems a bit harsh, but, it force you to act really like the bad guy, you wanna be a menace, you gotta act like it.
In the opposite corner, you can be the one to fight the crisis, unite the galaxy, be the sheppard!
Or force yourself into the place of Custodians, by politic sheme, and later, appoint yourself Emperor of the galaxy!
Lot of possibilities added to a game that already had a lot of them!
Means, tons of hours. So far it's one of my fav DLC they released!

So.. maybe a return of the Space Elves one day? =D
Ok guys, gotta get back to it, my scientits just baked me a new SUN CRUSHER weapon =D

that's about it!
Not a lot to say, but trying to stay busy and work as muh as possible! Gotta work again on comm, need some money, not like dire need, but i wanna buy some new furnitures in the coming years and gotta start keeping money on the side in case of problems

Anyway thanks for reading this far!

And c ya soon!


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