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Nick Kessler

Love this movie! This and Heat are huge favorites of mine overalls and my two favorite Michael Mann films.


Hey, loving the reactions❤️ is there any chance we could get some sort of weekly schedule? Is this something that others would want or is it me wanting too much lol

Jeff I.

I kind of like the surprise element when it comes to the movies at this point.

Chris Bruneau

Love this movie. I had the privilege of being Michel Mann's driver for a few days during the Chicago Film Festival back in the 1990s. Talked to him a little about his masterpiece: Heat. One of the reasons I am still a film fanatic all these years later!! Next up Chad; Heat, Manhunter, and Public Enemies!!!


the reason there's no hard schedule is cause we're all juggling a lot of other life stuff so we can't nail down scheduling. literally during the week someone will hit me up and ask what day im free. then they show up and we discuss some movie ideas to cover like ten mins before recording.

Jeremy Skye

I remember watching this in theaters when I was 18 when it came out, and I can attest, the camera work was much woozier in person. Are you watching this from a big monitor, I wonder? Because from my little 24-inch, it's much more accessible.


PLS do a Forrest gump reaction if you haven't already. One of my favourites


Ok no stress. Your reactions really do help me and I'm sure alot of others through some hard times so keep up the very appreciated hard work x

Chris Bruneau

Thanks bro! Mann was so nice to me! I was just a college kid, and a nobody, but I got to watch the premier with the director and cast in the theatre. That was nearly 30 years ago and one of my greatest life experiences!!!

Chris Bruneau

I think this the only film where Cruise has Ever played the villian. He was great!


Michael Mann is one of the most fun drama directors to watch.

Fernando Paiz

My personal favorite movie! Not a lot quite like it


Absolutely love Tom Cruise in this one. Wish he had done more villain roles in his career. He’s amazing in this. The serious tone he has is perfect. Good call out to the eyes. I also love the silver hair look. Not everyone can pull that off but I think he does.


I really liked the directing in this film. I feel like it really captures the atmosphere of the city after dark. The story is pretty unique too imo, and has a message that resonates a lot more with me now that I'm in my 30s than it did when I was a teen.