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Hello, everyone!

Post only for patreons because it includes adult images.

I begin as I usually begin, starting with all the setbacks that have arisen, those solved and as the general progress. The truth is that it sucks to have to write this because you hope to have the game ready but it is impossible for me to finish it today (I'm writing this twelve hours before publishing the post).

What new setbacks have arisen, you might ask? Yes, I have practically had them all, but it's very simply, the same ones as before, again. Some of the remade animations had to be remade a third time because I missed a glitch, and in another animation I had left everything ready to record another shot, but I forgot to put it to render (it's what I'm rendering now and will be over in about five hours). In addition to this, two backgrounds are missing for two scenes and four renders for the end of the chapter at Isabella's house. The latter are especially heavy because they use quite heavy lighting and that makes it harder for DAZ3D to render.

However, I have continued to advance at a fairly good pace, the bad part is that this is how I realize the parts that do not work well, I have to redo them and it takes even more time. But the first animations of the final part are finished, the script for the escape from the club, the scene with the teacher and the conversation with Isabellas are completely written. Of what was left, it was the longest thing to do. And it's done. But I better summarize everything in parts as usual:

1. Renders: there remains an animation that I had forgotten (when this is published it will be finished), two backgrounds and four heavy renders to finish the chapter. As usual I ended up making more renders than I thought at the beginning. But that does not prevent them from being all finished in the next 2-3 days.

2. Script: the part of the escape from the club, the conversation at Isa's house (longer than I expected) and the +18 scene of the teacher with the students are finished. Right now there are only +18 scenes left to write: the one with the prostitute (it's the shortest), the one with the 4some (the longest by far) and the one with Isabella (it's also short). After this there would be a couple of lines left to finish the chapter and send the MC to sleep.

3. Edit: I had to redo some of the pre-rendered animations and add another one. On the other hand, I have finished the teacher's animations 100% and in the next few days I will finish the remaining ones.

4. Review: before starting this part (the simplest one) I have already had to make corrections: eliminate renders in which there were continuity problems in the conversation with Isa, eliminate "rebellious pixels" from another render in the Isabella's house and things like that... I have also left adding the background music and sound effects to this part, which is best done once the script is finished, however this part takes less than an hour.

As a summary, two weeks ago I hoped to have the update finished by this time. But I'll be late again. I hope it will be finished by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Once finished, all that remains is to compile it for the different platforms and upload it to the internet, prepare the links, package the CGs and the +18 images and upload it. This part should take less than a day, but there are still parts to do: since the script is almost finished when I finish writing this news, I will start to continue editing animations. Again, sorry for the delay, but next week this update is already in your hands.

Regarding Love in Futa Time 2:

The progress is more scarce since I am focusing on finishing 0.12.



best of luck , u do great stuff , u even getting good a rubbers