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Hello, everyone!

Post only for patreons because it includes adult images.

So as not to change, I will first comment on the errors and problems of the last few days and then I will summarize how things are going. First of all I should say that I have had to redo more animations than I expected, however when this post is public the animations will be finished (some finished up to three times). These days I have encountered two main problems, one already solved and another that I will solve in the coming days. The fixed issue is that the "rogue pixels" that often appear in some renders were present in the conversation with Isabella in the last scene of the update. It has been necessary to correct 15 renders but it is already done. The other problem is totally my fault:

The animations and conversation renders are the part that takes up the most time, and that is why when I finish them I forget that scene. That happened to me in the scene at Isabella's house, where I still have some transition renders to make and edit, which is what I will do in the next few days. There aren't many, I think five are enough, but they are essential: they are the last images of the update. There are two possible endings to this update, that the MC decides to sleep with Isa and will end up sleeping in her bed with her, or that he rejects her and sleeps on her couch. With this explained let's go to the summary:

 1. Renders: as I write this I still have to finish (redo) an animation (in which I had done there was glitching) and some transition renders (about 5) in Isabella's house. I will probably also do another render (1) for the transition between the oral animation and the main animation in the scene of the teacher and the students in the club. After this I would be starting with the 0.13 renders.

2. Script: I have continued writing and the part that remains is let's say... generally speaking little... are the scripts for the sex scenes where there is not much talking. Only the MC's thoughts and some narrator comments appear. After that, the script for the escape from the club after the assault would remain: easy and quick to give the player a sensation of speed and vertigo. And to finish 0.12, a conversation at Isabella's house, whose renders I have done for three months and it will be a fairly long conversation, prior to another optional +18 (male on futa) scene.

3. Video editing. I have finished all the pre-animations (5 second video files) except the one that is rendering right now so when I finish writing this post I will get to the final animations.

4. Final corrections. On Thursday at the latest I will start with them, for now I have already started indirectly, with all the animations that I have had to redo for one reason or another and with the corrections of the "rogue pixels". The update is corrected until the MC's arrival at his house on Thursday afternoon and the truth is that in the afternoon and evening of that Thursday there are more events than during 0.2 (two days of gameplay) and 0.3 (three days if I remember correctly).

As it could not be otherwise, problems have arisen that I did not expect a week ago (unruly pixels, animations with glitching, the unfinished part of the scene in Isa's house, etc.) but that are mostly resolved and waited finish soon this damned update. When everything is ready, and I start posting on X (aka Twitter) stupid things like "99% ready" it will mean that I am already compressing the game and preparing it to upload it to the internet.

Regarding Love in Futa Time 2:

The progress is more scarce since I am focusing on finishing 0.12.