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Hello, everyone!

Post only for patreons because it includes adult images.

The development continues, unfortunately, not as fast as in the last ones and worse still: I don't know the reason. Right now in the final +18 scene (what remains to be rendered) there are four animations rendered and I am rendering the fifth, but in this one I am having problems that I honestly don't fully understand.

First, the rendering time of each frame now that the process is stable and I have time to write is about six minutes longer than previous scenes. It may not seem like much, but six for each frame is more than twelve hours. Also, there is always something else, I have had several problems with this animation that I have now running: first it took even longer than it does now (I don't know why) then DAZ3D crashed when they loaded textures in a random way, so I had to be constantly aware of the process and not do anything else on that computer, such as using the Internet. Luckily it doesn't crash when I use Atom (the script program).

Speaking of the script, I continue with the conversation between the MC, Anna, Sam, Sas and Katia. It's going to be a particularly long conversation. I have (I think) 26 renders for the different interactions of that conversation and anger on various topics. Firstly, if the MC has previously delivered the briefcase (on Wednesday) and has gained Mrs Bellmere's favor that day (Thursday) there will be a little extra conversation, in the same way there will be a different conversation depending on what the MC has done. MC that afternoon (in the situation with Alex and Nat), if he has had, in one way or another, a three-way, he will earn some respect from everyone present and some alpha point. If the MC did nothing, he will lose alpha points. Those will be the two parts that may change depending on the player's choices, but the main part of the conversation, as I have already said in other posts, will be invariable, it will be the futas telling important parts for the plot, plans for next week where The hardest part will begin.

In game time, the day this happens is a Thursday, as I have already said the next update after this will include Friday, Saturday and Sunday and after that a "busy" week will begin where depending on the player's decisions they can reach some characters will die and the decisions themselves will become increasingly important. Next week chapter three will begin, that is, after this update and 0.13 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) 0.2 will arrive, with the first days of next week, where the problems will begin and the game will take on a more tone "dark": cbt and BDSM scenes will begin to spread (in 0.13 there will already be some cases), political murders will begin to occur every day and the MC will have to choose between submitting to someone (pure beta) attacking (pure alpha) or adapt (mixed).

Returning to the extra renders that I talked about the other day, they are made for the first +18 animations, and although they are not completely necessary for the plot, I think they can be very good as accentuation points for certain moments. In addition to being more elaborate renders (due to lighting and perspective issues), they are better for including, let's say, deeper dialogues.

Right now I'm rendering the second sex animation (with Sam as the main one), the fifth if we count the previous oral animations. How I have already written this animation has given me more problems but they are now under control and I have managed to make the frames take on a reddish color due to the ambient lighting, which I like how it looks, taking into account the atmosphere of the red district. I am writing this post on the afternoon of June 2 to publish it a few hours later. During the night this animation will finish rendering and I will move on to the next one with Anna as the main character. That is, there would be three animations left and the one that is running. In addition to the script that I am writing and will continue to write in the next few days.

Regarding Love in Futa Time 2:

The progress is more scarce since I am focusing on finishing 0.12.


Sulve (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-06 13:22:09 Interesting you say that things are about to get a lot darker. How gory/violent are we talking? Do these murders happen off-screen? I don't mind a darker or more mature tone at all, just curious how far it goes.
2024-06-02 23:40:50 Interesting you say that things are about to get a lot darker. How gory/violent are we talking? Do these murders happen off-screen? I don't mind a darker or more mature tone at all, just curious how far it goes.

Interesting you say that things are about to get a lot darker. How gory/violent are we talking? Do these murders happen off-screen? I don't mind a darker or more mature tone at all, just curious how far it goes.


The dark part of the game will begin in 0.2. In 0.13, BDSM and CBT scenes will be included in large quantities as an appetizer and the MC will learn from the protagonists how dark the world can be. So to speak, the world inside cities is a bubble. Already in 0.12 it will be made clear with the club conversation and in 0.13 "official sources" will tell the MC that the world is not as simple as it appears at first glance. That murders, kidnappings and torture are normal every day even in the city, even if they are hidden. From 0.2 the murders (or possibility of murders) of main characters will begin, with the MC either as an executor, accomplice or witness, depending on their way of life (beta/alpha levels and decisions). For example, one of the MC's intuitions will be to protect his family, but if he makes the wrong decisions or is not prepared to do so, Alex or Saska could end up dead. It will be easy, at first, to avoid these deaths but at the end of the game, depending on the decisions and way of life of the MC, you will reach complicated situations in which many characters can end up dead. A spoiler: one of the endings of the game is achieved by living a totally alpha life and at the same time making decisions like a coward. If you do this, almost all the characters will end up dead, although the MC will arrive alive at the end.