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Final animations and club script progress. I'm afraid that today I don't have much news to tell, the work that remains to finish the update is pure routine, it only requires time and effort.

Regarding the animations, I have finished the three animations of the oral scene in the fourway, including the POV scene (which are actually two animations: one for Anna and another for the background). The animations are progressing at a surprisingly fast pace, in a day and a half or two I finish an animation of four characters without problem. Also now that I am with the "hard" scenes, the characters no longer have clothes (except for the futa's shoes, I think it is a very interesting symbol of authority) which allows the animations to not need to load so many textures.

As for the script, I am already writing the conversation scene in the club, which will be the most important part of the chapter, in terms of lore of the main story and the game world. I must also add that for the script I have not advanced as much as I would have liked because in the last few days I have been screwed by a virus or some similar stupidity... which left me with a fever for a couple of days. I think it is a poem that says that the path is only the stones of the path. Well, on the way to this update I have tripped and broken every fucking stone on the road with my head. As I write this news I am already well but it is still ridiculous: it has been almost three months since my last epileptic attack, it seems that it is more or less controlled and now I am further delayed with a random illness, last week it was with the stupidity of electricity and HDMI. The only thing missing is a meteorite falling over my head. If one day you read that an idiot has died in front of his computer due to the fall of a meteorite, believe it, because that idiot will be me.

Well, I'm sorry for this vent, and to add something positive to this post, to say that I am with the first animation of the futas... giving love to the MC, the first on the list is Katia, the coach, and her animation will be finished a few hours after this post was published. I have also decided that since the renders are going faster now (because I have eliminated the characters that I did not use in each render) in addition to the animation of each of the futas, I will add a few more shots of each scene, more "artistic" let's say. Animations have a problem with this and that is that "pragmatism" must come before everything: that you see as much as possible within a limit and with limitations such as the ground (in the animation you cannot see a character on the ground, since this is part of the background and the contrast is too artificial). So, for example, in this animation with Katia I will complement it with 3-4 renders from other shots or showing interesting details (close-ups, general shots... whatever looks best in each case). These renders shouldn't take more than six hours (3-4 of them) and I plan to do them to optimize render time as well as add some dramatic weight to the overall scene. For example, when I wake up tomorrow (I'm writing this post the day before and I schedule it to publish in the early morning) Katia's animation will be finished, so I'll do these extra renders so that the day is busy for Daz3D, and three or four hours before going to bed (I have to continue maintaining a sleeping routine like a child) I will stop the missing renders, as long as they are not already finished and I will start editing the next animation, which will be with Sam as "protagonist", starting the rendering of that next animation and putting the computer to good use also at night.

 Regarding Love in Futa Time 2:

The progress is more scarce since I am focusing on finishing 0.12.


Sulve (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-30 16:43:57 I like a bit of POV stuff
2024-05-30 03:21:15 I like a bit of POV stuff

I like a bit of POV stuff