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This is more out of curiosity, I'm going to wrap up a few shows in the next few weeks and I'm just curious which shows you'd be most excited for me to react to next. ALL of these shows will be getting early access for Patreon ye lucky ones you. Thank you for the continued support, much love to you all.



Buffy! 100%. You react to so many awful teen shows (not complaining I love PLL and TW) It's only right that you react to the best of them


Shameless no hesitation. Then Once Upon a time


i think you should do elite! you would get through it quickly since there’s only 8 episodes!!!


Yes, I'm thinking of doing that after The Haunting of Hill House but wanted to see if you all wanted it too as it is so short


Someday I recommend watching Fringe, if you haven't already.. just an idea ❤❤🤗 love you lots


Once Upon A Time got my vote!

Elisa Ingo

OUAT, Elite and AOS!!

Camilla L

Hii man! I was just wondering when you have the time to react to Shameless, are you going to post Uncut reactions w the 5$ tier? :) Sorry for my shitty grammar, English is not my first language :)

Signe (Seena) Stewart

Buffy! Buffy! Buffy!! Did I mention Buffy? The GOAT of tv teen dramas


I really hope that even if elite doesn’t win, you eventually watch it bc BOI ITS SO GOOD

Maria Buka

Shameless <3

Shannon louise

I would love to see Buffy, it is literally one of the greatest series of all time! I think you would really enjoy it 😊


I suggest doing Elite because of how short it is THEN shameless.


You should do flight of the conchords funniest show ever

Rafael Suarez

i know shameless has a lot of votes but you should definitely consider buffy, imo its one of the greatest show of all time, its like an emotional roller coaster




Buffy! Also love Shameless but there’s a reason Buffy is considered one of the greatest shows of all time. Plus you’ve been saying it’s next in the queue for like over a year... not that I’ll be mad, just disappointed ;)

Edwin Wickey

Once Upon a Time!!

Arianne Kay

Buffy ❤❤❤



Maria Buka

Just wondering, if Shameless wins, are you starting Buffy just when Shameless is over or sooner, like once you finish Reign or some other show? Cause I voted Shameless and I hope it wins but I also hope to see Buffy soon lol


yeeees Elite!!


I voted for Buffy mostly bc, while I do love Shameless, I don't think it's that reaction-y :D

Justine En

I feel like you could do Elite and then after those 8 episodes continue with Shameless :)

Edwin Wickey

Adelaide Cain is in Once Upon a Time season 7, just FYI 😉


Also, a show you might enjoy ( maybe not, but I think it's worth looking at ) is Red Band Society. It has one season and isn't too long

Shannon louise

I agree, I actually love Shameless and it’s one if my favourite shows, but it’s just not that great for reactions in my opinion.. I’ve tried watching a few, but it was just boring, so I gave up. In support of Buffy, I will say I feel like every reaction channel is reacting to the same shows all the time i.e. Shadow hunters, vampire diaries, once upon a time... But their aren’t barely any reacting to Buffy. Meaning that as soon as you do, you’ll gain all the support and views of pretty much the entire Buffy fanbase almost instantly. I myself am supporting 3 people on Patreon (Their the only ones I could find) exclusively for their Buffy reactions.


Shameless is awesome and i remember your reactions from the first 2 episodes were great.