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v5, Chapter 26
Those Who Work Behind the Scenes
While Marie remained quiet for a while, events had already unfolded.

There's no way the women would stay quiet.

Yes, it's absolutely impossible.

"Well then, we have decided on the living hell course."

"Yes, we won't make it easy for them. We will make them taste a hell worthy of wanting to die."

In front of me, the strategy meeting had already taken place.

"So, why are we having a meeting in the attic of my mansion?"

"Oh my, Henry. How's Marie doing?"

"She's still recovering, so she's sleeping."

"I hope she sleeps for a while. I really don't want to show those scumbags in front of her again... truly."

As she said this, my Mom was fanning herself vigorously.

"Why is there blood on the dress..."

"Just a bit, you know?"

I have a bad feeling.
The feeling that I hope is wrong always turns out to be right.

"Don't tell me you went to meet those two?"

"Yes, but don't worry."

"I can't help it..."

When my Mom smiles with such cold eyes, it means she has done something terrible.

"This blood is a counterattack."

"What happened! What did you do... no, I can easily imagine."

It's scary how easily I can imagine.

"I just had a little talk with the foolish woman who became a prisoner just a moment ago, you see? She made my skin crawl from disgust... but I thought I couldn't leave things like this.”

"That's unfair, you know? I wanted to meet her too."

Lady Oriana.
She must have been planning to meet and kill them.

Thankfully, they would never allow a Royalty and a sinner meet alone.

"Haah, please don't do anything dangerous anymore. I have already taken the initiative."

"You are quite cunning too, Henry."

“You deliberately prolonged the trial even though they could have been convicted earlier, didn't you?”

Of course.
I have no intention of ending the trial easily.

That's why I conducted a long trial, and made it a public trial where newspaper reporters and commoners could participate.
It costs money, but doing that, we manage to expose those two as villains to the maximum extent and turned the public against them.

No escaping to another country, no lightening the punishment.
Those who support them are also criticized.
And, of course, it was also to prevent anyone from cooperating with those two.

"No one is foolish enough to cooperate with her to overthrow me and my Father-in-law, but that woman is a genius when it comes to leading men astray."

Even without a twist, I wanted to crush them thoroughly.

"If the trial ended too quickly, there would be less suffering for them."

I drove those two to ruin in the most despicable way possible.

Yes, I used the most painful method imaginable.


v5, Chapter 27
Angel and Demon
While Marie was bedridden with a fever, I worked to permanently label those two with the crime of perpetual labor.

"I will not allow them to be just exiled.”

Considering the suffering Marie endured, I can't forgive a simple life of exile.
Even if they are rightfully convicted in court, I know they would only get around ten years of imprisonment at most.

Deprivation of status, confiscation of property?
They're already drowning in debt and have no assets.

So what?
Marie has suffered many times more than that.

Those two pushed her to the point of making such a decision.

"If it were me, I wouldn't choose such a lukewarm method."

Marie is a kindhearted woman.
Perhaps that's why she chose a separate residence until the very end.

I have nothing but resentment for those two.
That's why I will crush them in the worst possible way.

In the public trial, I showed the world how terrible those two were and had them declared guilty.
But that alone is not enough.

Because some people judge abuse subjectively, saying it's just discipline if the person claims it is.
Or they lacked a moral compass to judge things fairly.

So next, I need to make sure those two are recognized by the public as irredeemable villains.

People like to divide the world into good and evil.
Among them, religious beliefs and the laws of the country are particularly troublesome.

Laws sometimes protect the perpetrators.

That's why, after exposing their disgrace in public, I had Mrs. Anita play the tragic heroine.
No matter how much sympathy they gather, it's good as long as they don’t ruin it themselves.

Sure enough, my plan was perfect.

"Master Henry, a letter for you."

"Oh, it’s probably from the lawyer."

It's likely about their behavior in prison.
I can't imagine them behaving well, but I'll confirm it.

"I'm truly speechless."

The letter was just as I imagined.
Despite suffering a miserable defeat in court, they still claim they did nothing wrong, showering me with insults.

"They really seem mentally disturbed."

"Why are they so shameless?"

"Oh, in a way, it's a sickness."

When I recalled the trial, their thought process didn’t seem rational.

"I'm going out now. About Marie–"

"I understand."

I have to meet someone now.
Someone who will help ensure those two never see the sun again.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"No, I haven't waited that long."

Hans Camero, a journalist.
He has influence in other countries and is known by exposing the wrongdoings and corruption of nobles.


v5, Chapter 28
A Reporter
The trial may be over, but it's not the end of everything.
Those two need to be prevented from returning to the Capital ever again.

We must be branded as villains from to ensure they are not erased from people’s memories.

"Thank you for accepting the meeting this time."

"That's my line."

He, known as a journalist, was originally a lower-ranking noble but became a commoner to expose various wrongdoings in society, sometimes turning them into books.

His articles resonate with many people.
Fighting with just a pen, he's truly remarkable.

"Now, could you please share your story?"

"What should I start with?"

"Tell me more about last month's trial."


It was a story after we protected Marie in the separate residence.

After arresting them on the spot, those two were thrown into prison.
Despite having committed numerous crimes, they couldn't afford a competent lawyer.

However, a lawyer was prepared for them by the country.
It's natural to have a lawyer for the perpetrators in a fair trial.

So we came up with a plan.

Rather than hiring a third-rate lawyer, we reached for a second-rate one.

"Why did you–”

"Lady Eliana, please calm down. This is to advantageously present guilt in the trial."

"What do you mean, Lord Diaz?"

Even Lady Oriana also seemed puzzled.

"If the trial is too one-sided, it will be criticized as a manipulated trial."

"That’s… well..."

"That's why, instead of a third-rate lawyer, we chose a second-rate one to make the opponent relax to some extent in the first half. Then, we strike when they let their guard down. That delicate balance is crucial."

Normally, you would pay them off and send your own lawyer, but we need to move cautiously.

"What matters is how many people we can draw to our side... and how we can sway the judge's decision."

To render a judgment without any sympathy, even if it means sometimes criticizing Marie, the victim.

For those who don't know the circumstances, it might seem like Marie has issues too, and that's where the key lies.

"We need to make sure those two become irredeemable villains without overdoing the accusations. Leave it to me."

Involving Lady Oriana and the others in this is not advisable.
They are high-ranking nobles and Royalty, so them showing vulnerability to opposing factions of nobles is out of the question.

That's why only I can move, and...

"Is it my turn?"

"I'm counting on you, Mom."

It was Mom’s turn, who had been continuously criticized in high society.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/97819585 


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