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Dungeon capture, Hero's true nature and the son's change.
Jend’s Point of View
Rosarin said,

"Since we're here, shall we do some gathering? Geraldin-san, scatter the surrounding enemies. Jend, follow along. You focus on self-defense."

"Huh? Got it."

Just self-defense? I wondered, but for now, I nodded.

"Alright, let's go!"

"Wait... wait, you are too fast! Wait!!"

Otousan was fast. How could he run so fast in a place with so many trees like this?
Certainly, just keeping up with him was a challenge, and at this rate, even self-defense would be difficult.


I want to praise myself for not screaming. This time, Otousan asclimbed a tree, and when he jumped down, he seemed to have killed a monster. The monster was killed before he even noticed it.

Somewhere, I had been disappointed in Otousan. I had made fun of Dad. In reality, this person isn't very smart.

When I was little, the Beastmen around often told stories about the 'Hero Geraldin.' It's a hero tale that most Beastmen know. So, I used to admire him. I never told him because Okaasan told me not to, but I was proud to be the child of the Hero.

In reality... Otousan is strong but an annoying old man. Honestly, I thought that's just how reality is.



It was simply overwhelming violence. I couldn't even get close; all I could do was wait for this storm to subside.

He skillfully wielded Oneechan’s weapon, relentlessly killing enemies. Since I'm also a Beawstman, my heart swelled with pride. Helplessly, I became enamored with this overwhelming, strong person.

I became a first-rate adventurer. Compared to everyone else, I ranked up quickly. But what meaning did that have? In the face of this overwhelming power, I was too weak. The 'Mad Hero Geraldin' that everyone admired was indeed right in front of my eyes.



"Why did you choose Rosarin Oneechan as your master?”

"Well... there was certainly a debt, but also because she was the first person to defeat me."

"... Even though it was a one versus many situation?"

"Jend, do you think you can beat me in a one versus many situation?"


With my current self, it's impossible. No, wait.

"If I had Rosarin and Dirk..."

I can definitely win. Otousan nodded.

"... That's right. You can rely on those two without fail."

"And then, if I had Okaasan..."



"Why Lumia?"

"Well, when Okaasan scolds you, you freeze, so in that gap..."

"Hahaha! Indeed! ... Jend, you were indeed mainly raised by her; your ideas are interesting!"

My hair was messed up. I think I'm just ordinary compared to someone like Rosarin, though.

"By the way..."


"I often heard stories about 'Hero Geraldin' from my Beastmen friends. And also from the adventurer friends."


"I’ve always admired strength. Someday, I wanted to become strong like you, Otousan."

"Is that so?"

Otousan looked pleased. Did I disappoint him?

"But now... now I think if it were me, I would have used the Hero title more effectively to quickly end wars. No, I wouldn't have let a war happen in the first place."

"... Hou?"

"We have the trump card that is a Hero. We should strategize to make the opponent surrender."

"... For example?"

I gave examples from Hero stories and suggested strategies. Otousan responded with enthusiasm, occasionally denying that some of them were not realistic.

"Jend, you're suited to be a strategist."

"A strategist? I don't like that. Rather than becoming a strategist, I would rather become a diplomat and work to prevent wars altogether."

"... Hmm. I see. Indeed, if you were around, I might have been just a strong old man rather than a Hero. Maybe fewer comrades would have died. You might be more deserving of being called a Hero."

Talking with Otousan this much was probably a first. I recalled the conversation with Rosarin earlier.



(We will be gathering stuff for a while on this floor. During that time, you stick with Geraldin-san.)

(... Why?)

(There are many things you can learn from him as an adventurer, right? Try to steal as much as you can.)

(... I'll do my best.)

I could only manage a wry smile. Will it be helpful? I'm already a top-notch adventurer. That’s what I thought. But this time, I realized there's a significant difference between being top-notch and being super top-notch.

No, it's fine. Even if I can't become a Hero, as long as I become strong in my own way.

So, I embraced the challenge and tried various things. Otousan taught me the knack for using super intuition. The result...

I got tired.

Moreover, I learned for the first time that using super intuition excessively gives you a headache.

Well, yeah. There are failures too! But thanks to seeing Otousan go all out, I feel like I can become even stronger.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/95530316 


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